Chicken Shit Tea

I have Epsoma Chicken manure
Instructions state sprinkle on soil surface 2.5 Tbsp/ plant.
They quote 2% soluble nitrogen and 3% Insoluble protein.

I read that chicken manure is too hot and can burn plants.
I also read it should be composted first or made into tea.
This is not stated on bag.

I just added 1 tsp to half gallon of fish tank water along with a teaspoon of molasses.
I plan on shaking 2x a day to give some Oxygen to the tea.
Will use in a couple days.
My main goal is to increase beneficial microbes not as a fertilizer.

Anyone think this will work?

Will this be bad?
If that's dry like the NutriGrow I use it won't burn. It's slow releasing. The wet stuff is probably hotter though. Just top dress like they recommend.
I have Epsoma Chicken manure
Instructions state sprinkle on soil surface 2.5 Tbsp/ plant.
They quote 2% soluble nitrogen and 3% Insoluble protein.

I read that chicken manure is too hot and can burn plants.
I also read it should be composted first or made into tea.
This is not stated on bag.

I just added 1 tsp to half gallon of fish tank water along with a teaspoon of molasses.
I plan on shaking 2x a day to give some Oxygen to the tea.
Will use in a couple days.
My main goal is to increase beneficial microbes not as a fertilizer.

Anyone think this will work?

Will this be bad?
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Espoma products have worked great for me. Great organic nutrients and blends. I trust their products. I am full organic and Espoma has more blends and amendments for fair prices that I've found. Good growing!!!
Been using chicky poo as fertilizer for a long time but I wouldn’t try to brew it in a tea. Worm castings are a better choice for increasing microbial activity. Probably won’t hurt much if made soluble either especially if you dilute it a bit.
I have put too much chicken manure in the soil and it made my plants leaf tips burn with twisty growth but they thankfully recovered quickly with regular watering. Releases a bit faster than other types of manures; that’s all. You can put about a handful or two into each container safely. I find if you toss some crushed oyster shell in with the chixy poo that will help buffer the slight ph increase in your mix.
Been using chicky poo as fertilizer for a long time but I wouldn’t try to brew it in a tea. Worm castings are a better choice for increasing microbial activity. Probably won’t hurt much if made soluble either especially if you dilute it a bit.
I have put too much chicken manure in the soil and it made my plants leaf tips burn with twisty growth but they thankfully recovered quickly with regular watering. Releases a bit faster than other types of manures; that’s all. You can put about a handful or two into each container safely. I find if you toss some crushed oyster shell in with the chixy poo that will help buffer the slight ph increase in your mix.
Don't you use this one? Is it dry too? And is it ground? The NutriGrow stuff is dry pellets.
Fish tank water? That's fucked up. What you feeding those fish? Flakes... Processed fish food...? You know what's in that stuff? Nobody does because there's no regulations on ornamental fish food. I'd reconsider using tainted fish poop water, unless of coarse you want your fins to shine bright and your scales supple
Naw but that’s probably just as good. I use Charlie’s compost brand made in Kentucky. Tried to link to their site because I got rid my Amazon prime account but it’s not secure so…
Fish tank water? That's fucked up. What you feeding those fish? Flakes... Processed fish food...? You know what's in that stuff? Nobody does because there's no regulations on ornamental fish food. I'd reconsider using tainted fish poop water, unless of coarse you want your fins to shine bright and your scales supple
its probably just dried brine shrimp flakes NBD but honestly I’ve never seen much difference using fish water. I agree it is more hassle and mess than anything else unless you have like a huge koi pond or something like that. Any clean water source will work for aact…
Naw but that’s probably just as good. I use Charlie’s compost brand made in Kentucky. Tried to link to their site because I got rid my Amazon prime account but it’s not secure so…

its probably just dried brine shrimp flakes NBD but honestly I’ve never seen much difference using fish water. I agree it is more hassle and mess than anything else unless you have like a huge koi pond or something like that. Any clean water source will work for aact…
I got rid of my Amazon account too. But don't get me started on that, :lol:
Naw but that’s probably just as good. I use Charlie’s compost brand made in Kentucky. Tried to link to their site because I got rid my Amazon prime account but it’s not secure so…

its probably just dried brine shrimp flakes NBD but honestly I’ve never seen much difference using fish water. I agree it is more hassle and mess than anything else unless you have like a huge koi pond or something like that. Any clean water source will work for aact…
Hm. Check out what they put in ornamental fish food. Stuff to not cloud the water, filler, (who knows what that is), color, stuff to make their colors vibrant...etc.... Says right on the package 'not meant for human consumption'.
People never think of that. I duno personally I'd never use ornamental fish tank water for anything other than ornamental flowers. If that. But to each their own.
I bred fish for a long time. Had over 25 tanks up at one time. The food they nasty nasty stuff. Literally no rules for ornamental fish. No FDA, nothing.
Hm. Check out what they put in ornamental fish food. Stuff to not cloud the water, filler, (who knows what that is), color, stuff to make their colors vibrant...etc.... Says right on the package 'not meant for human consumption'.
People never think of that. I duno personally I'd never use ornamental fish tank water for anything other than ornamental flowers. If that. But to each their own.
No shit. I didn't even realize that until a couple years ago thanks to RIU, :lol:. I'm sure it will bring out the Purps though.

i use 1 tsp per gallon of water/tea liquid. never had any probs. the chicken masnure was left for 2-3 yrs before being used. maybe they compost too fast for consumers, being non profit, i can wait the extra time. must make a differance
Been using chicky poo as fertilizer for a long time but I wouldn’t try to brew it in a tea. Worm castings are a better choice for increasing microbial activity. Probably won’t hurt much if made soluble either especially if you dilute it a bit.
I have put too much chicken manure in the soil and it made my plants leaf tips burn with twisty growth but they thankfully recovered quickly with regular watering. Releases a bit faster than other types of manures; that’s all. You can put about a handful or two into each container safely. I find if you toss some crushed oyster shell in with the chixy poo that will help buffer the slight ph increase in your mix.
Thanks. I have had good success with earthworm casting tea
No shit. I didn't even realize that until a couple years ago thanks to RIU, :lol:. I'm sure it will bring out the Purps though.

Thanks. Nice article. I am using less manure but making much less tea. I'll let everyone know how they respond if I could tell
with chicken shit, ijt allways pays to use less then the recomended dosage. err on the side of caution, the less is more philosaphy. you can allways add more, but you cant take it away.
but chicken especaly is dangerously HOT manure. if you can get sheep, rabit, cow or any other animal shoit, go for it. pig shit again is hot if i remember my shit. lol
I used to drive by a section of agricultural fields daily. You could smell the most vile stench for miles when they were spraying the fields in spring. Roll em up or throw up lol
Fish tank water? That's fucked up. What you feeding those fish? Flakes... Processed fish food...? You know what's in that stuff? Nobody does because there's no regulations on ornamental fish food. I'd reconsider using tainted fish poop water, unless of coarse you want your fins to shine bright and your scales supple
I read they have good microorganisms.
Plants seem to like it.
I read they have good microorganisms.
Plants seem to like it.
Cool. You do you. I'm not telling you what to do, more just trying to shine light on something people overlook. If you're cool with consuming something that may contain potentially dangerous levels of heavy metals, or chemicals not meant for human consumption etc then that's your business.
There is food available that you can feed fish that are meant for human consumption. It's more exp and generally not worth it. Plus they don't contain the chemicals they add into ornamental fish food to keep water clear etc so it's much more difficult to not run into issues in your tanks. Gl