chloramine in our tap water

i read recently that there is something called chloramine in all of our tap water and it cant be boiled out or evaporated! wtf is this shit and does that mean we cant use tap water anymore if were growing using the (tlo) true living organics method? i also heard the chloramine will kill all the good stuff in our soil.. any info on this anybody?


Well-Known Member
There is a plethora of information out there about chloramines and organic gardening (on this site and the web in general) if you look around. There are various ways to remove or deactivate the chloramines. I use a Small Boy water filter with the upgraded carbon filter cartridge. Others bubble their water for 24 hours or so with a little compost, worm castings, or molasses. Basically the chloramines react with the organic matter, splitting into chlorine and ammonia, both of which can be evaporated off.

Some folks use vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to react off the chloramines.

Some organic gardeners just ignore the chloramines and don't seem to have any problems, but I prefer to filter it out so that I KNOW it will not cause any issues.


Well-Known Member
The chloramines in tap water definitely will not kill off all the microorganisms in your soil, but over time it may hinder them to some degree.


Well-Known Member
molasses and fish hydroslate will break down chloramine into ammonia. The ammonia takes twice as long as chlorine to evaporate. I never have a problem. I have been using aerated tap water for years and with teas and never had any issues. I aerate water for at least 24 hours or more. Keep it covered so no water evaporates.


Well-Known Member
A C+P FROM ANOTHER THREAD:"Prime" is a product sold at pet stores for aquariums. It neutralizes chlorine and chloromine. Many people have used it in there res for growing. Seems to work for them. I used it the other day to treat 5 gallons for a tea and the tea came out looking good under a microscope. Lots of bacteria and stuff, not much fungus but I didn't have my packs from cap yet. Can't wait to compare for the next tea brew.
Amquel is another one I have a salt water tank, Im worried about possible negitive effects of amquel on the human body. Im probably being parnoid since fish are very sensitive for almost anything and they do fine with the product, but I'm worried I might get cancer or some shit from it. A few people I know that have been diagnosed with cancer recently.


Well-Known Member
yeast and I would guess other fungus, gobble up ammonia, something to keep in mind.....


Well-Known Member
I've been using water treated with chloramine for over 6 years with no ill effects.

I do use drops for making AEM or something that requires dechlorinated water, but I've tried it without with no difference, so ???????

For plants, the micro herd and the worms, it seems to be a non issue. When I was keeping fish, it was. They are way more sensitive.



Active Member
It's hardly a problem as study after study has proven. It might kill off a little bet of the beneficial, but nothing that will impact the grow, and nothing that won;t bounce right back with healthy soil.