chlorine toxicity?(pics)


Active Member
i have a white rhino clone that is about 3 weeks old and im worried that i might have chlorine toxicity besides being overwatered. I have been watering the plant with brita filtered tap water(not left out over night) and i just relized the filter doesnt take the chlorine out. Im not so worried about any other minerals or contaminates in my water because it is about 50ppm unfilitered. Should i be worrying about my little baby and flush, flush, flush with non-chlorine water or just ride it out? Thanks for any help.



Active Member
well that easily counts out chlorine. any other possible ideas? i flushed it a week ago and transplanted into all light warrior coming from half light warrior half ocean forest. Does it look like it has nute burn still?


Well-Known Member
to me it looks over watered and maybe a slight burn on the tips. but mostly overwatered but i am not the best judge as i am not a soil grower.


Active Member
Hey i grow with soil and use ph balance tap water. From looking at your plant buddy i opnly see over watering. not too much nute burn but dont water for a day or two considering your day time temps. Oh yeah if you only have one plant try buying distilled water. its ph to 7. and its clean. get em at the dollar store for cheap. i did this for six plants the whole grow. got kinda expensive.