Chocolope, Lemon Haze - Height Question


Ok i'm looking to grow these two strains, chocolope and super lemon haze. Can anyone tell me the expected final height of both strains? I'm growing under a 600w air cooled reflector. They're not being LST'd or scrogged or anything, oh and i'm growing in soil with organic nutes.



bud bootlegger
well, i'd think that both of them, being sativa dom, will grow into some pretty tall plants overall... to give you an exact height is pretty hard to do considering the many factors involved, but i'd say you could easily expect them to atleast triple in size from the time that you put them into flowering..
so a 12 inch plant for instance would probably end up some where around 36 inches or so..

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
yeah, i grow lemon haze, its big. It has a few phenos, some take up more horizontal room than others, but they're all tall. They deffinately jump when thrown into flower.