Christmas Present Guidance


Well-Known Member
Happy Christmas everyone :)

I've just been given a present of this young lady - pics attached hopefully.

I have no idea how far down the road she is, so I would love to get some guidance if possible.

The pot is 7 1/2 inches wide and the plant is 1 foot tall from the top of the pot to the tip.

Any thoughts? :)1.jpg2.jpg3.jpg4.jpg


Well-Known Member
According to my calculations, she's approx 2 - 3 weeks into flowering.

But then again, I'm a n00b, so...

Luck, regardless.


Well-Known Member
I hope you have lights already set up and a grow area. It's well into flower. Start reading everything you can here. No time to ask questions and wait for answers. Be pro active.


Well-Known Member
Thats a cool present as long as you know how to finish her. If you have no lights and on a budget look at some of the CFL setups folks have round here. I'd guess (only a guess) she's 4-5 weeks in maybe only has 4-5 to go, can't you get info off the cat that gave it to you?


Active Member
Give a man a bud and he will smoke for a day.

Teach a man to grow bud and he will smoke forever.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input guys. It looks like I am one of about 10-12 people who has benefitted from someone else's misfortune.
We've all got one plant each as someone had to 'go away'.

I'm lucky in that I have tried growing before so I have a 125 watt cfl I can use.

I've had to improvise an emergency grow room this afternoon, I'll post pics as it's sure to make you smile!

So 4-5 weeks to go...? Never been this close before...

Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Here are a couple of pics of my highly improvised emergency stealth grow room.

The body is one piece of cardboard folded in three places to form a column.
(I've used the last of the wife's tin foil after Christmas dinner. It's stuck on with glue. No idea if the glue will be ok in the heat of a confined space.)

The top is one piece of card with the edges folded down and stuck with tape to approximate a 'lid'.
(The cfl is hung through the top of the lid with some re-enforcing card to take the additional weight.)

I have a light meter and it shows a lower level of light than outside in the garden; it's night time here, so I'm hoping that's ok.

During the day, I can leave one side open to allow airflow. In the 'dark' 12 hour period, it will have to be left unattended and I will have no way of countering the CO2 issues.

None of this was planned, so I guess beggars can't be choosers, right?
