Church 9 weeks into flower. Is it time?


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm just looking for some opinions on if I should harvest my ladies.
There coming up to 9 weeks of flowering.
The calaxes look pretty swollen and the plant as a whole is showing signs of senescence.
I do have a loupe for looking at the trich's, but it's really hard for me keeping it in focus.

Thanks in advance for the input!



bud bootlegger
she looks pretty close imo.. calyxes nice and swollen, the only thing is i still see a few hairs that haven't receded as of yet..


Misguided Angel
I "might" give it a couple more days based on some of the non-receding hairs yet, if you chopped now wouldn't be an issue either though... Looks good, make sure to post some harvest pics if you don't mind.


its really up to you, i would let it go a little longer, its however you like it...i like to wait until the bud gets ROCK ROCK hard :) good luck


Well-Known Member
Well, heres the end product. Im pretty happy with the way they turned out. The colas are a bit on the small side but I think the denseness of the nugs will make up for it. I would post more pictures of the full harvest but my internet is so slow, uploading pictures is pain full.

Here's my white widow. I'm thinking about chopping her down tomorrow. What do you guys think about her?

And finally, here's the family. Another church a white widow and a super silver haze. Can you guess which one's the haze? hahaha. all of these plants were started at the same time. I'v never had a plant this big before. I think she's to blame for the smaller then average colas. I had to keep the lights pretty far away from the tops of the others because of her. I wont be growing a mix of strains next time.

sorry for the sideways pictures


Well-Known Member
All GHS beans? The WW looks legit + The Church looks 20-30x better than the freebie I ran.
If that White Widow came from GHS...I may give them another shot!


Well-Known Member
The Church plant that came from my freebie seemed like 75%+ Sativa genes compared to yours that is mostly indica...Maybe that's why they were free


Well-Known Member
yup, all those seeds were from GHS. I'v read a few bad reviews and experiences regarding there strains but, over all I was really happy with the results. That White Widow was something else! frostiest plant I'v ever grown. I still think about her from time to time haha.