Circulation while lights off?


Well-Known Member
If my temps some times get around 90f when lights are out, should I have fans circulating air in the room or would it be better to just leave them off?


Well-Known Member
If my temps some times get around 90f when lights are out, should I have fans circulating air in the room or would it be better to just leave them off?
Its important to always have air movement, even when the lights are out. It helps prevent mold.


Well-Known Member
If my temps some times get around 90f when lights are out, should I have fans circulating air in the room or would it be better to just leave them off?
even if the temp of the room is 90F your plants will stay cooler if they have air moving around them.. in the summer when its 90F are you cooler when there is a breeze or when the air is still?? same thing goes with your girls.. they will be cooler than the air temp as long as they have some air moving... this also, as was said, helps prevent mold/mildew.. but it also helps strengthen the stem of your plants.. keeps your girls breathing fresh air.. keeps them cool.. and believe it or not helps to deter pests.. pests dont like wind because it makes it harder to stay on the plant they are on...

it doesnt have to be gail force winds by any means or anything like that.. but you def. want some constant air movement at all times...

good luck