
Do you clambake?

  • yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • no

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • sometimes

    Votes: 4 57.1%

  • Total voters

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
its for kids...

the only reason it gets you higher is lack of oxygen to the brain.

voted no

LOL... I'm glad I read your response before I posted. I thought he was talking about a real clam in digging them up and cooking them in a fire pit at the beach :lol:

I had to look it up on urban dictionary.... I grew up calling it "hot boxing". I don't believe I've done that in about 20 years now


Well-Known Member
the only time i do it is if im in a car and the person who owns the car doesnt care or its freezing outside.


Well-Known Member
the only time i do it is if im in a car and the person who owns the car doesnt care or its freezing outside.

do what you want...but this is why whenever kids get pulled over they get searched, because the car reeks like dope because nobody had the sense to roll down a window. would you rather be chilly for a few minutes or eating jail food?


Well-Known Member
I love hotboxing (or "clambaking")! Idk just sitting in the smoke is fun and get a strobe light it looks cool as hell! I only do it like once a month though:leaf::hump::weed:

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
we call it a dutch oven...
As do we. :D "Hot Boxing" Or "Clambaking" or many of the other names is fun I guess. I don't do it personally. I don't see the point but my fat wannabe gangster white friend does. He also told me it was hard to grow weed. I don't listen to him anyway or ever..for fear of becoming retarded like he is.


Well-Known Member
do what you want...but this is why whenever kids get pulled over they get searched, because the car reeks like dope because nobody had the sense to roll down a window. would you rather be chilly for a few minutes or eating jail food?
i fishbowl my car all the time, dont mean im drivin around. i love fishbowling my car sittin in the back seat. dont mean i gota go drive around. and i aint a kid. and if i did get pulled over and had bud on me, its just a ticket