Cleaner res water!post your thoughts please


Well-Known Member
hey, i noticed that when the hose that drains the water back into the res is elevated above the water level(by an inch or two),so that it splashes a little as it drops in,it creates crystal clear water and makes lots of little bubbles in the res,i can only assume that this is better for the plants because there is more oxygen in the water,and there is no film on the top of the water . It also looks alot cleaner!!M i rite by saying this??please post your thoughts on this. :mrgreen:

solid shadow

Well-Known Member
All the water is doing is moving that film out of the way when it splashes down. It isn't cleaning the water at all. If you have a film in your resivoir, chances are you've got some sort of problem which needs fixing, i.e. light getting in and causing mild algea growth, or some sort of incompatibility with the nutrients you're mixing.

I'd dump the res, refill it, maybe try a different nute, and get an airstone/air pump in there to oxygenate the water. This will also keep the water in constant motion, which will not allow a film to gather.