Clementine Germination Question.


Well-Known Member
ive got some seeds from clemintines, really small orange/tangerine type fruits. they are dried out. whats the best way to get these going. not the paper towel method im guessing.. just right into soil? was thinkin maybe put emin an 8 inch pot to start em off.


Well-Known Member
I think citrus seeds can be hard to start and can take up to several months before you see a sprout. Scarification i believe is a method used on citrus seeds. Search google theres plenty of information out there.


Well-Known Member
Clementines are different than most citrus seeds. Some plants dont' even produce viable seeds. Other plants that do produce viable seeds won't produce plants similar to their parents. It's an odd strain.

Even if you did get it to sprout, you'd need to wait probably 5 years or so before you could get fruit from it. You'd be better off ordering a plant.


Well-Known Member
I had a sprouted seed in a pink grapefruit a few months back. I planted it and it sprouted right up. I'm sure there is a difference in the growing of the two but i would say try it. Worst comes to worst you throw away the seeds and look online for a started plant