clip or not?


Active Member
I got 9 ladies about three to four feet. I clipped the hell out of the under growth before I put them into flowering. They are about 4 weeks into flowering and I was wondering if I should clip more of the under growth that has sprouted or just let it go. I don't want to stunt the plant and want the energy to go to the tops any thoughts? thanks Also I am using fox farm feed schedule but I just started adding advanced nutes big bud powder during flowering. I am growing in soil and I have been adding about a quarter teaspoon to a gallon of water, should I add more. I can't seem to find a chart on how to use there products in soil! Thanks

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
sounds like lollipopping. a month in, is pretty late to be doing serious trimming, i'd just leave them. how many watts is your light?


Active Member
I am running 600 hps and i just added another 250 mh to the mix. I also noticed the tops of the two taller plants are stretching towards the light. the buds on all the other plants and the lower branches on the two taller ones the buds are thick as hell. I don't know if it beginning signs of hermi? Should I cut the tops of the two off? The buds below are huge Thanks Also when should I start flushing? I have four weeks left


Well-Known Member
Are you asking if stretching is a sign of beginning hermi?

If they're stretching then the light may need to be lowered, of course taking care to not allow things to get too hot. If the taller girls are blocking light from the shorter ones, they you can try tying the branches to allow light. As for the leaves growing on the lower branches, I wouldn't worry too much about it at this point. Of course, if you want to pick them off it won't likely hurt, either.


Active Member
This is the weird thing, the tallest two plants are the ones that are stretching out, i don't understand it is like they quit flowering up top and have about 5 more inches of growth?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
I also noticed the tops of the two taller plants are stretching towards the light. the buds on all the other plants and the lower branches on the two taller ones the buds are thick as hell. I don't know if it beginning signs of hermi? Should I cut the tops of the two off? The buds below are huge Thanks Also when should I start flushing? I have four weeks left
are you talking about stretching, or are the leaves at like a 45 degree angle? sounds like they're reaching for the light, that's a good thing. this far in, i doubt they're stretching. also, kinda late to be topping. if you're using a pk booster, i'm sure you reduced your base nutes, eh? in soil, i'd start flushing 1 and a half to 2 weeks out. keep an eye on your trichs.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with Silky.

As for the differences you're seeing between the plants, you've got to remember that even within the exact same strain, even the exact same seedlot, even if it's a true breeding strain there is every chance that you'll see differences in phenotypes. This may very well be such an instance.


Active Member
thanks for the advice I appreciate it. Its been several years since my first grow and I def let them go into veg too long they are out of control


Active Member
seriously I am growing under my stairwell in a room I had built for growing when i built the house. i can't raise the light and higher and I can't even get the plants out to tie them up bc the buds are so heavy. I think I am going to buy one of those sunlight sheds for next grow and go hydroponic. My stairwell is good, but just to hard to work in that area. Might just keep a couple going for veg to plant outdoor for summer


Well-Known Member
You've gotta be kidding me. :lol: That totally reminds me of this lady I knew who wanted to start her own aquatic import/export business, and she had this guy build out the fishroom. Except that she let him compress the tanks to fit in more rows, and once they got the fish IN the tanks they couldn't get their arms in well enough to net them OUT. :lol: I tried to tell her.