Clone 2 weeks rooting 1 week in soil


Here I have 5 cuttings from an Ak-48 Female that are about 3 weeks old that is 2 weeks for rooting and 1 week since trasplant.i origanally cut 12 clippings and these 5 was the best ones the other 7 were rooted but i had to toss them because i dont have the room for them believe me it was really hard to part with them but that was the choice i had to make.But now i have the 5 in 1/2 gal of soil and they are in a area that mesures 1"3x1"6 floor space and i have 1 26 watt spiral cfl day bulb and 1 13 watt spiral cfl day bulb that are 2 inches from the top of my clones canopy i had to water them once since the transplant no nutes just yet but last water ph of runoff read 5.8 but all in all they look great mind you this is my third grow one plant from seed and 9 plants from clones and im am just getting better and better my first plant is 2 weeks from harvest 2 weeks after that my first set of clones will be ready and these ones are not far behind at this rate im thinking about 3 more weeks of veg.if you would like to see my other plant take a look at my album they all are there but here is my third set of plants

