clone lighting


hey all, im constructing a grow room as im growing, my clones have been sharing a room with my veg&seedlings. eventually i'll break them up, but now i'm at the cloneing room and will be shopping for a light for them. any ideas on what is the best these days? till now they share a 400w mh at about 4 or 5 feet.


Well-Known Member
I switched to T5 about 5 months ago. I use them on my cuttings and than put them in 6 inch pots and back under the T5 for 2 to 3 weeks.

What a big difference, should have done this 2 years ago.

The plants are way bushier no stretching fucking happy campers and grow faster.

I replaced 4 FT 48" with 4 T5's and a 400w mh with 8 T5's. I could have used 1 less on both but wtf. total replacement cost was 4 @ 32$ = 128$ and than I got a deal on a case for 28$ each 8 in a case = 224$

Total cost for all 12 T5's was 352$

The great thing is they come with all the mounting hardware and cables to daisey chain up to 8.



Active Member
I use a small 2 foot two bulb t5 above my aerocloner and it is perfect. Excellent results. I do all veg under an 8 bulb t5 and I love it too. Same results as stated above.


Active Member
Dude seriously check out Home Depot before spending a lot on flouros. They have a dual bulb 24" flouro you can wire yourself and they are only $15. I bought a few of those and they veg like nobody's business.

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Well-Known Member
On a different train of thought. You don't even need t-5's for cloning. You can go with a simple t-12 single tube light, two foot. That's a regular old fluro fixture with the big tubes. I've recently read in one of the many grow bibles available the whole purpose of cutting the leaves in half is to reduce photosynthesis. Why reduce photosynthesis? Because you are concentrating on growing roots, not leaves. This person states to use indirect lighting when cloning, the low light makes the plant concentrate on root development until it has developed enough roots to start concentrating on photosynthesis for leaf growth. Once a good root system is in place you can then transplant and veg under t-5's with excellent results. I use a four foot four tube light with two 5600k lamps and two 4100k lamps with great results before putting them under hid lighting.


cool, thanks guys, iv got a industrial floresant light fixture. 4 4foot bulbs like your talking about. will get the 5600k and 4100k bulbs.
im on my third week of flower with some ko kush and an unknown strain. looking good thanks to a lot of good post and a few books.
right on guys.