clone question..


Active Member
Hey, I was wondering, I took two clones off my female plant.. the topmost tip, 5" in length with two nodes, and one of the lowest branches.

As the plant was like a week or less in flowering has already showed sex,, I read that you sould put the clones again on 24 light to get them back to veg, but can this cause the clones to hermie???

and Im aware that wasnt just the right time for cloning but what the hell.. any way what do you think??


New Member
You'll be fine. Well, the clones will anyway ... :lol:

All you really need is a couple of 20 watt fluros at 24/0 to root the cuttings.



Active Member
ok so I have them that way in my shower three 40watt tubes... how long do you think they will take to root? one is looking really down

edit: piuctures! mom and her clones



Well-Known Member
I hope they work out... They look healthy not an abandone yet.. I would suggest to look up how to clone in soil in ur search tab to see what others have done to perfect this technique.

hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Personally, I would recommend a humidity dome of some sort. In this case, a clear polythene bag over the plants should do the trick. Take it off briefly once a day, and wipe off moisture from inside. Keep the soil quite wet for a week or so, then moist for a few days, then allow it to dry out a bit between waterings. Remove the bag at this point.

This is the method that has worked for me in the past when cloning in soil, with a very high success rate.


Active Member
thnx for the advice so one thing for sure is to keep humidity up, anyway the larger clone still seems a little down, but it looks exactly as yesterday so I might guess it´s not dying!! the top trimming is getting a little yellow (the top pair of tips) but the lower ones actually seem to be growing.
Ill keep you posted with some fresh pics


New Member
I never use a humidity dome and get 100% success rate with my cuttings. I use RockWool in net pots using a 28 site bubbler that I made out of a 10 gallon RubberMaid tub. They take about ten days to show roots through the bottom of the net pots, some take up to three weeks. All I do is wet the RockWool cubes, dip the stems of the cuttings into rooting powder, then put them into the net pots. I use RO water and NO nutes at all.



Well-Known Member
Humidity domes are more of a requirement with soil than with hydro-style methods, since with bubblers and the like, there is always plenty of water available for the clones, so it doesn't matter how much they transpire.