Clone Question


Well-Known Member
when you take clones, do you have to take a bud site? or does any NODE work? i want the most clones i can get from my two mothers but they don't have the staggered node spacing like some plants do so i don't know how many i can get. i'd like to take on branch and get 3-4 clones off it. is this possible without the staggered nodes like in the GrowFAQ

lemme know


Well-Known Member
Not real sure what you mean. Can you get 3 or 4 clones off a branch? Yes, it would be possible. they would be small clones. Your problem would be having leaves to cut off that will be below the surface. I don't think you will get many to recommend doing this.
Most of the folks that take cutting on a regular bases use more mothers, not more clones per mother. VV


Well-Known Member
alright. i think i found my answer. my mothers are about 12-14" tall now. here is a pic of them a few days ago. any idea how many clones i "should" be able to obtain off these two plants?



Well-Known Member
I have to say your plants look pretty damn good....I would start with about 6 off each plant..if you start hacking your plants it'll shock the shit out of it..and you don't want to do that,you want healthy moms...and how big is your garden and how many plants can you do...I would try like I said and remember to take the bottom growth which will be easier to clone that the tops....cut them about 4'' and cut them right below the node you'll need that to dip in cloning gel..make that cut at a 45 degree angle...12 plants should work.


Well-Known Member
yeah i was planning on SOGing 24 plants but i decided to start out with just 8 since this is my first actual grow besides the mothers.

and thanks on sayin they look good. i burned them a bit to start PH and heat hence the yellow leaves at the bottom