I was given an ebb and flow hydro system from my friend, no clones available. I started several seeds in a couple of clay pots, growing in soil and have now moved them into my veg box under floro lights (using 600W Super HPS EN later). My plan was to grow them just tall enough to clone, cut the whole thing and put them into rockwool to start the hydro setup. After much reading I'm wondering if I should let them mature 6-8 weeks, check for sex, pull the males, then clone? They have been going for 2-3 weeks and look good, but I'm not sure how long I can grow them in the pots, I have about 15-20 per pot. In hindsite I know I should have used many more pots. Should I let just them mature, thin them out and mature or cut them soon and re-root them in rockwool? I dont really want to waste the hydro system to grow males but I also don't want to pull too many and then get lots of males and not have very many plants. Need advise. Thx