Clone vs. Seedling


Active Member
Now mind you this is my first everything! I got two clones at the same time I started 6 seedlings. My clones are looking o.k., but my seedlings are BEAUTIFUL! Atleast a month behind the clones in growth, but have closer nodules and 9 leaves. The clones have 5 leaves only at 2 foot tall. Does this have to do with the strain or is a clone just not as healthy? My clones are Sour diesel and Purple haze. My seedlings are White Widow. Even the stock is thicker on my little ones. I was going to go into flowering soon because the clones are ready,but being the widows look soo much better I think im going to wait atleast two more weeks. Big question is besides the down side of getting males, does starting from scratch produce a better plant?


Active Member
clones 009.jpgclones 004.jpgclones 002.jpgclones 003.jpgclones 008.jpgclones 001.jpgclones 005.jpgThey are all under 1000 watt hps as close as I can get it to my clones without burning.
LOOK at the Diesel!!(1st pic) so skinny. Haze is the 5th pic. They are droopy because its lights out time.
78 degrees lights on. 65 lights out.


Well-Known Member
Dunno man, hopefully now that the pix are up someone will have an idea.
If it were my grow, I'd probably shut the 1000W off until they're a little fuller and grow under T5 or a few smaller MH lamps.
The temps aren't too warm, fans will force the plant to grow more robust stalks, maybe LST or topping to encourage them to bush out ?

Not an expert, just thinkin' out loud...


Active Member
clones will have the maturity of the plant it was cloned from. i would back off the light . mabey 4--600 mh. good luck


Active Member
Was on limited funds so got the best bang for my buck. Now that I am learning a thing or two, I will definately be creating a veg room with flourecents or mh lighting for my second grow. This site has been really helpful. Wish I would have gotten on here first.