Cloned at Seedling Stage !!

Ok guys this is an amazing story and I want any and all knowledge on this subject it is very interesting. And never heard of this happening before anywhere on the internet.

So I germinated a randy ( random seed )
And of course the tap root came out looking great.
I proceed to carry it to its pot and I dropped the tapped seed on my carpet.
The seed split in two right in the middle leaving one half a long tap root, and the other half was some tap root with the seedling end on it. Which had already started to develop its first leaf because they germinated a day too much.

Now I planted both half’s side by side in a very small pot. As u can see by these photos both half grew.
Therefore I have cloned this strain at seedling stage before it even touched soil. I have never heard of this. Have any of you guys heard of this happening ??? It could be game changing but one grew significantly smaller than the other and that could’ve have been that they were in the same pot competing. And the weaker half sprout with yellow on the leaves and haven’t gotten any more yellow they just sprouted that way.

Anyways. Drop your thoughts below and anything like that. Plz check out my other posts I’m gaining all knowledge possible. Thanks027E4030-A698-4AFB-BFE3-D65532F526BA.jpeg955E062F-0B74-45D3-BCE1-9B061A8A1871.jpegCCB6DDC0-AAA4-49AA-B5F8-3041A3F506A6.jpegB781B92D-046D-4B2F-A40F-EF9B04DE65B6.jpeg3FE9CEDD-A73A-4AD4-BE92-6E32CC0D5CE9.jpeg220BB810-2CBA-44EA-8CA9-D62301A973A4.jpegAFA46A41-0B06-42E5-871A-6A796ABE118A.jpeg
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It seems possible that the tap root could grow a plant and the plant could grow more roots. It would be the exact same plant. Seems to be like cloning, just a different tissue starting point. Could probably make a slurry that was the perfect mix of nutrients and air to make root clumps grow fast. And then give them the right hormones to make them sprout. Cool for sure, but Idk how game changing It is. There already exists this type of cloning and you can indeed make a lot of clones. Practical for the everyday gardener? No. And what is the point of aggressively cloning a plant that could not be anything?
@Gemtree has a really valid point. That both seedlings have cotyledons would indicate twins. A broken piece of tap root regenerating foliage would be pretty unlikely. Regenerating, cotyledons is a near impossibility.
@Gemtree has a really valid point. That both seedlings have cotyledons would indicate twins. A broken piece of tap root regenerating foliage would be pretty unlikely. Regenerating, cotyledons is a near impossibility.
Do you guys think I should try it again but document it ? Because the seed and root were one piece. Certainly not 2 leafs only 1. And I planted both broken halves of it. Btw is was 2 days past germination so it had attempted to develop in the bag. Anyways I might try to recreate this and document
Do you guys think I should try it again but document it ? Because the seed and root were one piece. Certainly not 2 leafs only 1. And I planted both broken halves of it. Btw is was 2 days past germination so it had attempted to develop in the bag. Anyways I might try to recreate this and document
Curiousity and experimenting are good things so sure why not. I’d be pretty awed if you were able to replicate that. The thing about the cotyledons is that they are formed as the seed itself is forming, way back when the fertilized flower is maturing. They’re function is to nourish the seedling until it can create true leaves. If you were able to carefully cut open a seed you would see the preformed cotyledons already there. Think split peas. That a root section would generate cotyledons rather than true leaves just doesn’t make sense to me. But plants can do miraculous things some times. Good luck.
Curiousity and experimenting are good things so sure why not. I’d be pretty awed if you were able to replicate that. The thing about the cotyledons is that they are formed as the seed itself is forming, way back when the fertilized flower is maturing. They’re function is to nourish the seedling until it can create true leaves. If you were able to carefully cut open a seed you would see the preformed cotyledons already there. Think split peas. That a root section would generate cotyledons rather than true leaves just doesn’t make sense to me. But plants can do miraculous things some times. Good luck.
If I recreat this I will post back here
Two plants can develop from one seed. But I don't believe that the end of the root would grow into a plant. There's no way a piece of tap root that broke off grew into either of those seedlings in that pot.
