Clones are drooping after 3 days in Aero setup.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. What does it mean when rooted clones are dropping a bit?

Ph - 5.7
PPM - 700
Water temp at 65*f or 25C
Room temps are 72-80F

The roots are not fully grown where they are dangling, but you can see some poking out of the bottom of the rock wool cube.

Are they getting over watered? should i let them dry. Their in rockwool cubes.

This started to happen after the second day of being in the aero tank. I got air stones in there as well.

It started to droop when i added 4 drops of Super thrive. THen i replaced the water, and it stayed the same


Well-Known Member
Well from what I kinda know about aeroponics is

It is possible that plants need a few days to adapt to constintely being exposed to that kind of rootzone, so they will be droopy for a while then should perk up once they "get It"


Your PPM is too high, in fact for clones it is way to high, but EC doesnt really cause droop, it is usually related to overwatering (so thats why my first answer fits better)


Well-Known Member
Hey ganja, that kinda makes sense. thanks for the post.

I think your right, this is what the guy at the hydro store also said.

I will give them 2-3 more days, if i see root expansion, GOOD!

If i see no progress ill try somthing else! :)


Well-Known Member
But the PPM wouldn't cause them to droop would it?

I remember this is what i did with my other clones. i went to 600 first day.. then 800 the next 3 days. And they loved it.

But then again, if this is the case. ill lower the PPM/


Well-Known Member
Wwll actually it could be Nutrient Lockout, if they are locking out nutes it can cause droop as it means they are dying.

But your PH is perfect (5.8 is perfect IMO) and thats what causes Nute Lockout.

Really I think there just getting used to living in aerated water.


Well-Known Member
That could be your problem, I HATE rockwool, its so damn water retentive its not funny.

Naw keep on the sprayers and pray to the Ganja Gods itll all work out.

I think there just a bit water logged and a bit young, once they grow up a bit they will start to really drink the water up and will neg out the ill affects of being waterlogged (we hope)

Do you have your Sprayers on a Timer, like 1 min on 1 min off or are you running full blast all day?

I have seen both setups, and both work, although in my opinion it is best to have it cycle on/off.


Well-Known Member
full blast has worked for me with last grow, and last clones.

Ill leave em on, and take some pictures. hopfully they perk back up!

Thanks for the help ganjagoddess :)


Well-Known Member
My pleasure!

If it gets worse though I would let em dry out, but only if you think they are getting really stressed out.