Clones curling up and wilting!!!!


I have taken 3 clones from a 6 week old Barney's Farm Acapulco Gold. Used Olivia's Cloning Gel in 1x1 rockwool cubes in a 10x20 humidity dome. Room temp stays between 75' and 80' but may drop to about 65' at night . Lighting is 2 4ft flourescents on 18/6 schedule. It has been a week and there is no sign of rooting and they are beginning to curl up and wilt.I let them get fresh air once a day and spray with a very mild nute solution, GH flora series hydro, confused and don't want my babies to die PLEASE HELP!?!?!? Any info or suggestion would be greatly appreciated....



Well-Known Member
Clones do not need a lot of light; perhaps your light is too hot or too bright. Or maybe it's your humidity; what are you at? My clones are T: 80, H: 80% and they're happy. Alot of people use a heating mat under their clones to help root growth. Also, fyi, it will take 1-3 weeks for clones to develop roots. Give them a light tug at week two to make sure things are going well. If all this sounds familiar, look into a different rooting technique. GL


Active Member
Clones will look like that when you take the humidity dome off. Clones rely on you keeping them moist until their roots have developed enough to sustain new growth. Humidity is important.

I agree with everything that mrCRC420 has stated. Also, foliar feeding isn't necessary quite yet, however, you can mist the tops with water to keep the humidity level higher. Does your dome have vents in it?... if so, adjust the vents so the cuttings will get fresh air along with keeping the humidity at a consistant level.


Well-Known Member
Thanx 4 the info
Hey Remylush, can you please answer some questions for me? I'm about to take clones for the first time, and have read a few books and forum post on the subject. From the information you have provided, it looks like you've done everything pretty much by the book except for using nutes. I would also like to know what else you may or may not have done... So now that they gave you some advice, what do you attribute your problems to? Do you think everything is normal, and that's just how the plants look after taking the dome off. Was your humility too low, or were your lights too hot or bright? Are you using a heat mat? Are there air holes or vents in your dome, so that the clones can breath? Did you PH balance the Rockwool by soaking in water, and make adjustments before using it? I also read that you should place the stems of the clones into water right after you cut them to avoid air pockets from getting into the stem. Did you do that?

Clones do not need a lot of light; perhaps your light is too hot or too bright.
He is only using a 2 bulb T5 which is sitting above a Humidity Dome. I thought this was a pretty standard setup. Do you really think that too much light and/or heat is his problem in his case?


@doniboy, I am a complete noob in this area so I don't want to give you any false info, but I did soak my rw cube and I'm not using a heat mat. My clones are still yellowing so im not really sure where I went wrong, but when I gave one clone a little tug it seem to be rooted but I'm not sure so now I am just waiting to see if I have any roots to poke out of the rw. Humidity is never below 65%, and temp stays around 75 to 80'. Hope this helps and sorry it took so long to get back to u.