clones dont grow


Active Member
hey, ive bought these clones, strain is called monster but they dont seem to grow right. eventhough new leaves are produced they dont seem to grow much and saty very wrinkled...
the plants themselves dont seem to grow upwards either. they are outdoors (balkony) and recieve about 6-7 hrs of direct sun light and about 7 hrs indirect sun light. ive been moving them around, chasing the sun to increase sun light duration.
i water them every 2-3 days and feed them once a week with an organic fertilizer. also leave tips point downwards alot and now one is staring to preflower... shouldnt this happen in august?
some bottom leaves seem to go yellow and i cut them off to inc. verticle growth.

can somebody help me?



Well-Known Member
You may have gotten a clone that was cut while in the flowering stage? I'm not too sure, don't know alot about clones


Active Member
hmm true, thats what i thought 2, but do u think it will continue to flower or return to ver. state?

thx :)