clones in early growth question????


Active Member
Hello fellow grower I have three clones in early growth that for some reason are beginning to grow very thin and flimsy when I took the cutting they were just fine and also were fine when put into soil from clone machine I mean they look healthy just not like they will be putting off much bud



Well-Known Member
Ive found this to be mainly a genetic thing. Some strains will stay girthy and vigorous at all times, and others will look amazing as a mature plant, but take a little longer to bulk up in veg.
Example: I have a Blockhead female that has enormous yields, however presents similarly to yours during early veg.
Just ensure in the future that your cloning stock is always from the most vigorous stock within that particular pheno.
People think that just because your clones are all from the same plant, that theyll all be uniform. Au contrair!!! A good general rule is: out of 100 clones: select the top 20% for the room. Trash the rest.