clones in one litre pots.


what is the estimated yield from clones in one litre pots under 600W HPS.
they have had 2 weeks "rooting" time under 24hr light before hand.

they will have 10 weeks flowering time.
not expecting anything accurate here, maybe just a response from someone who has tried something similar.
may LST or lollipop, any advice? thanks :D


Active Member
Fucked if i know??

what were they vegging under......?

What strain......?

What medium.......?

What nutes.....?




ok sorry. no veg time other than the two weeks to root. they are under 6500K CFL's of various W's.
no idea what strain. it takes around 10 weeks to finish its flower cycle tho, that's from experience, not a packet.
potted in coco coir, i used to add perlite but in a recent experiment found next to no reason for the extra ££. . .
nutes, i will be using ionic bloom for coco.
thanks for the reply, have some rep.