Clones in Rockwool, transitioning to outdoors L.A, Fall, Lantern method


New Member
I have 2 clones purchased from a local shop. 2" Rockwool cubes, about 8" tall. (Tropicana Cookies and Nepali Pink)
I Will harden and transition these to outdoors, here in Los Angeles, Mild climate, Late October.
I plan to use 'lantern method' of lighting to break up the +12-hour darkness that would send the clones into flower.

Any thoughts re the following?
1. Best practice for transferring rockwool cube into soil. Bury the cube completely, or leave 1/2" sticking up to breathe? Water the cube or the perimeter away from the cube?

2. Large pots or in the ground?

3. Can I maintain a sativa in veg state long enough to grow up a 10' tall trellis? Will Lantern method work for this purpose?

Thanks for the advice!
1: I really hate rockwool cube the past I've spent 30mins or so picking out the rockwool with some root damage too

other times I've plant dirct to a perlite soil mix with little hassle just ensure you have easy drainage

2: grow in large pots so they can be moved around in your current situation/ lantern method

3: I know a few guys in the past who have grown sativas outside their kitchen windows in large pots, the kitchen light is the the lantern method

IMO keep the clones seperate for 24-36 hours in case of bugs issues

good luck