clones not flowering!


Active Member
I have 3 clones in a small pc box, they have been on 12/12 for coming up on 2 weeks now and still not showing any sign of preflowers. Other than a little nute burn a few weeks ago they are fine. Now i have interupted them 2 or 3 times in there night cycle (only with the lighting in my bedroom), for no longer than 2-3 minutes or so. I know I shouldnt have done this but will it slow down that bad no preflowers by 2 weeks? Its 3 different strains and none have any preflowers. Is it the interuptions or could it be light leak from fans? Fans aré on back close to wall and dont seem to be getting any light. Please help


Active Member
you should try to veg them so they will be bigger and healthier, they might not be close enough to the light, they might not be ready for flowering, if they don't have established roots


Active Member
It's probably because you are interrupting the night for them. Check your fan, "doesn't seem" isn't good enough you need to be sure. If light is getting in and it's bright enough it will surely delay flowering
They don't need a good root system to flower, I flower clones for sex when I'm using seed and they show sex before any roots even exist.


Well-Known Member
Plants may not think they are ready to flower.. I've had em flower in a wink and others hold off. I got 4 covered in preflower now that will not kick. I reduced to 11/13 yesterday. Not small either..2 ft.


Active Member
It's probably because you are interrupting the night for them. Check your fan, "doesn't seem" isn't good enough you need to be sure. If light is getting in and it's bright enough it will surely delay flowering
They don't need a good root system to flower, I flower clones for sex when I'm using seed and they show sex before any roots even exist.
how do they show sex before roots exist? explain master gaztron... i think you just need to let the roots get established first man they will start up for you.. if anything is learned in this hobby its patience is key..


Active Member
LOL i cant get over it... showing sex before roots exist makes ZERO sense how is it possible to show anything without your only way for food or anything else if the roots dont establish the plant wont grow in any way shape or form... roots give your plants life gaztron dont put shit like that man the goal of this whole site is to help people who love marijuana quit bein a bitch


Active Member
how do they show sex before roots exist? explain master gaztron... i think you just need to let the roots get established first man they will start up for you.. if anything is learned in this hobby its patience is key..
Because the change in photoperiod induces hormonal responses which cause the plant to produce flowers. Roots are to trasport nutrients which the leaves do in clones until the roots are established. You wouldn't do it for plants you want to grow I said it was for determining sex.
You are an uneducated Wanker so STFU

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
i smell some shit about to explode and hit the fan, i might back the fuck up putltln the bowl, and

  • I flower clones for sex​

he said clones, clones are whatever sex their mother (or father) plant was, so if he knew it was a female he could know the sex without roots


Active Member
LOL i cant get over it... showing sex before roots exist makes ZERO sense how is it possible to show anything without your only way for food or anything else if the roots dont establish the plant wont grow in any way shape or form... roots give your plants life gaztron dont put shit like that man the goal of this whole site is to help people who love marijuana quit bein a bitch
So if roots are the only way for a plant to get food please explain the few weeks after cutting a clone, it doesn't have roots and survives. They even grow slightly during this rooting period.
So I believe you are the bitch


Active Member
i smell some shit about to explode and hit the fan, i might back the fuck up putltln the bowl, and he said clones, clones are whatever sex their mother (or father) plant was, so if he knew it was a female he could know the sex without roots
I said clones when I'm using seed! I clone to find the sex Genius! I don't want to grow the clones just see what they are then I know if my mother plant is a mother or father.
Fuck you kids need to learn some things!


Active Member
roots are the main source of food for the plant bottom line... yes they have shit built up in the stem... that doesnt mean they are growing it means they are using up the leftover nutrients to survive


Active Member
plants dont grow without roots bottom line jackass you need to learn... CLONES INCLUDED...
LOL ok so how do you clone? do you glue roots to them? They don't have massive growth but they do continue to grow. How do they last 1-3 weeks with no roots then?
This is not what the OP was asking anyway, you stated plants will not flower until they have a good root system. This is not true and there are plenty of threads and info on cloning for sex so read up.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
WRONG. Plants do not store nutrients in their stem.

They move nutrients through their stem to the leaves and flowers.

When a plant has no roots, it will move nutrients from its leaves to where ever it is needed.


Active Member
once the roots grow out and more nutrients from soil are soaked up the plant grows its flowers... it takes about a week to get roots... until then they use the only energy they have left to survive...