Clones,Preflower?, Pics take a look


Active Member
Hey everyone, had a question or 2...

here are my 2 kiddos, soon to be 1 ( since ones a male )...
just wanted to see what everyone thought

I was wondering if I can take clones from my female yet... I've never done so and I'm considering going the perlite 2liter bottle method... but I was trying to figure out when to begin flowering my girl... but I want to take a clone also so I dont have to mess with this male female gambling situation...

is my female big enough to take clones? its around 3 weeks old, about a 1' tall maybe a bit shorter... its got a ton of secondary growth and its been under 20-4 lighting with 4 cfl's within 2'' of leaves...

one of my 2 was about an inch taller and with much less 2ndary growth, I was fearing it to be a male, and sure enough I found what I'm positive to be a male preflower.. ( i wanted to make sure you guys could verify it for me )

1) can I clone my lady?
2) definitely a male preflower right?
3) ready to flower maybe? ( how long should I wait after taking a clone? if I can that is...)

Thanks everyone, let me get back to my bowl for a few...

^ thats my lady and some undergrowth...

^ my male preflower...

^ heres both side by side, hard to tell in the pic but the one on the right is the male, about an inch taller, with way less undergrowth...


Well-Known Member
That may not be a male preflower. Starting a 12 hr light cycle will begin flowering and then you should clearly see sex. I wouldnt chop it till then! I would clone both, keeping track of which clones came off which plants. Then flower (now or later) and determine sex, throwing out any males and the clones.
Those look like some good genetics!


Well-Known Member
I don't know anything about pre-flowers.
If you can get to those lowest branches, it's pretty normal to be taking clones down there. That growth is usually puny anyway. Take the entire little branch. I've read that many take the entire bottom third of the plant, due to it's tendency to be stunted anyway. I trim mine away for clones, but also just to get the vegetation up and away from the soil and moisture, where disease and insects might linger. Once you take the branch, THAT fan leave is no longer valid and can be safely removed. I'm talking down low and in the shade.
I can see glands on these leaves and often throw them in the freezer for MaMa's hash later on.


Well-Known Member
whatup dude...

if you have a decent size little branch.. id say with at least 2 growth can clone... you could always top the plant and get a clone from it... it all really depends on how tall you want to go before you flower. Figure this. Most of the times...depending on strain the plant will double in size during flowering. so you dont wan to go too short.. but not too

Instead of flowering the whole plant and then having to revert..Which takes a considerable amount of time longer to do then to grow roots. I would just clone a small shoot off of the one you think is a male and flower it... although by that time youll know for sure... youll either have little girl hairs..or not.

Good luck man.


Active Member
what's up Genfranco,
okay so revert ? yeah I definitely wouldnt want to do that.. but they shouldnt have to... their still in veg so my plan was just to take a clone and flower the plant I took the clone from, and then just continue that process really... I guess I could top it and take enough to make that top a clone... that'd stunt the growth longer I would think than an offshoot clone though right?

and as mrfishy said, the undergrowth is really less important since its often heavily shaded... so I figured this was a better idea? right?

I figure I'l take at least one clone from each in the 2 liter bottle perlite method, and then put the other 2 into flower...

Thanks again guys


Well-Known Member
thats perfect... yeah the bottom gives you the genes and doesnt affect the plant as much... most of the time they never even reach up top... the topping was mentioned more if you were going to be needing to flower this one in a short space... I top all my ladies no matter what... the more tops the better... but generally no more than 3 times.

So you could do it any way you want.. either clone them both from the bottom and then just flower these girls (unless you have more space.. I like big plants!) and just use the new clones as mothers for future crops (this way you dont loose time)... not that you have a large factory there... but if you only have 2 plants going... and you want to get a harvest sooner than later you could do that.

good luck man..


Active Member
yeah thats exactly my thought, I'd been considering topping and lst, and have done my research but since its my first grow I'll see the whole way through i'm kind of at the " if its not broke dont fix it" moment, and I hadnt really seen real decided info on whether topping actually increases yield or not. I dont really have height restrcitions, I am growing using CFL's and intend to do so during flowering, I figure having the plants finish out at around 2- 2.5' tall is pretty good for my personal goals at the moment

huge monster plants would be fun though :)

should I wait a bit to allow it time to recover from taking a clone? if so how long?



Well-Known Member
na dont wait just flower whenever you want... if there are gonna be under cfls then yeah your probably not gonna want them too tall... good luck