Clones w/o heating pad, now recovered (fully)?


Active Member
Hey guys,
I had about 12 clones I got from a friend about 3-4 weeks ago.

He's always guided me in the right direction before, but he forgot to mention that I needed a heating pad for the clones (when they're in the rock wool) in cold weather.
I didn't find that out untill almost 2 weeks after I started them under 3 100w cfl's. I noticed they were not growing and looking sickly & dying.

I managed to save 6 of the 12 & get them into Dixie cups w/ fertilized soil after they finnally got roots, after I added the heating pad.

They have been growing really well now for about a week under a 400w MH. I'm about ready 2 switch them to some 1G buckets.

My question is: The plants don't look 100% & now have a few defects, will they ever fully recover, or are they "scarred for life"?

(Ill try and get a few pictures uploaded soon)


The russ0r
They will recover, i guess is the best answer i could give you. As long as they continue to strive :)


The russ0r
but you shouldnt be picking oversized fan leaves...

Thats what takes in the most LIGHT which is what you NEED.


Well-Known Member
absolutely true! sometimes they block buds from light. i only removed damaged ones mainly. good point though!