Clones wilting


Well-Known Member
First Clones have been planted for 2 days now and they seem to wilt during the day, i have them in peat as i didn´t have any other means, also i used liquid root hormone diluted, leaving them in for 24 hrs as the instructions stated. The strange thing is when i move them into a dark place they seem to recover within an hour or so and stand up straight should I not be placing them in light yet, or is this quite normal for them in the early stages. They are basically by a window with a cool breeze and plenty of light, the other plants I have are doing great. Any pointers much appreciated as this is my first attempt, I´ve included pics of one of them to show how they look. Also a pic of my other 3 outside grows.



Well-Known Member
Get a cup, fill it with water.... get some of that seethru plastic shit... and tighten it above the cup... stick ya clone thro it... so a bit of the stem is in the water


REturn after 8 hours, should be rock solid !



Well-Known Member
do I put them back into the soil after 8 hours, in normal daylight or should i do anything else?, Thanks for the quick reply by the way!


Well-Known Member
yes you can do this if you want man ;)

cheers. This is a great trick for clones that are very flexible.. stick em 8 hours in dark.. with the tips in the water.. 8 hours they'll be stiff as a dick on viagra !


U can stick them in soil if ya like, but i do prefer the cubes.......... cheers


Well-Known Member
Also ph your water down to 5.5 ! Dont go down further this will kill all your plants, this is only a trick for making them roots push out as fast as possible !

hope i helpd you!


Was going to say where the clonex gel, but you dont need it at all ! My m8 that does clones for a living never uses clonex gel he says it just a waste of money..

so good luck.... ;) You need to have your clones in allot of humidty and it needs to be very warm... :D


Well-Known Member
Should i see some root beginnings after the 8 hours, or will it still just look like stem?


Well-Known Member
Should i see some root beginnings after the 8 hours, or will it still just look like stem?

It wont show after 5 days....... in my experience.... Might take you a week or two with the conditions you have..

you dont have a t5 light...

you dont have a dome....

you dont have a heating pad... also used for aquariums...

so you will add some days to it.... lets say 8 days..

after 5 days youll see the stem starting to form this bulky white stuff..... after that it aint to long before those lovely roots start growing..


This technique with the8 hours dark is only to make the clones stand up straight again and be stiff... ;)



Well-Known Member
should i continue to keep them in low light after the eight hours to help rooting or just put them back into sunlight as they were before?


Well-Known Member
should i continue to keep them in low light after the eight hours to help rooting or just put them back into sunlight as they were before?

i've succesfully rooted on my balcony... :) So i dont see why you cant do it, the only problems is that it realy does get hot in summer now.. so you have to keep and eye out on her... she might die... get a dome... make that clone smaller.. put it in the dome.. stick it outside.. wait a couple of days..

ph your water down....

Voila.. should work, i wouldnt dare put a clone outside in a pot without roots.. to risky for me.... Buy a dome for 2 dollars you can find them evrywhere you go... evrywhere.... those little green houses..

cheers.. ;)
colones do better in the dark for 10-14 days after u clip off the mother. then when roots start put the light to it. thanks hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
colones do better in the dark for 10-14 days after u clip off the mother. then when roots start put the light to it. thanks hope this helps.

never tryd that will ask my pro grower if this is true, wont the plant go in to flowering... this is the problem i would have with this..



Well-Known Member
I've always put my clones in a dome (no heat pad) used clonex and kept the dome on top of my PC for a bit of warmth. They always wilt at first but perk up just fine after a couple of weeks when they get moved under a CFL until they're ready for the HPS.
Always works fine for me, I thought wilting was normal.

grow space

Well-Known Member
clones do not need a lot light.i have always cloned on my window sill and im doing it just now too,took clones yesterday.i use humidity domes-one is 4 a cake cover and three other domes i maded 4 a 2 liter cocke bottle just 4 one plant.also man, i never use any rooting powders or gels, just plce them in a dark galss filled with water and after 3-4 weeks root will emerge.some clones i put in 2 week to soaked pellets and into small pots.

keep up the good work...


Well-Known Member
How do you make a dome from the coke bottle, do you have any pics? By the way thanks for all your help guys.


New Member
A good tip aswell is to cut right through the larger leaves ''2'' down from the top, the biggest set on the clone ''NOT THE TOP SET'' the next 2 down, it would be like cutting your fingers ''IN HALF'' this lets the clone sweat in the dome, when you have to remove the dome lid try and do it as fast as you can, and before you return it mist it with spray, they should be ok after 10/15 days, i also dont take off the dome lid right away i move it round so they still have a covering over them for a few days then i remove it.
Hope thats a little more input for you, some strains are very easy and some can be pretty hard to knit.