

Well-Known Member
I took my first clones today.

After taking them from the plant, i made a 45deg cut took a little of the outer stem away and dipped in clonex, then put into wet rockwool. Then put them into a heated propagator and put 2 cfls above. The propagator lid has condensation all over the inside but the clones have gone real floppy and are drooping big time is this normal at the start of cloning


I cant say if it's normal but mine did a bit of that as well, they are ok now


Well-Known Member
something that i've read about to help with root growth in clones is to put a couple of slits on the bottem of the stem at 45 degree angle, close to where you took the clone from the mother. of course put in root hormone and plant. don't know if i described it right, as i'm high.


Well-Known Member
something that i've read about to help with root growth in clones is to put a couple of slits on the bottem of the stem at 45 degree angle, close to where you took the clone from the mother. of course put in root hormone and plant. don't know if i described it right, as i'm high.

you described it right I watched a video on that the other night.


What you are referring to is a method i use too, most people i've seen just use a 45 degree cut, but on the other side of the stem and the same side above the cut, you can nick it a little bit, and it will sprout more roots from here. when i took my slow rooting clone out that i did this too i looked, and roots came out from each and every cut i made.


Well-Known Member
also if you pull out of high humitidy too early they will curl up in a matter of minutes.

i clone then at first sign of roots hit a small 2x 2x 2x pots with soil and keep in seperate dome for 7 more days cutting to hid light only takes me 18-21 days


Well-Known Member
Some people swear that the cut needs to be made underwater or an air bubble gets into the stem. Others gently chew on the tip of the stem before dipping into the rooting hormone.


It just greatly reduces the chances for an air bubble. this could be a myth...


Well-Known Member
sometimes what i like to do is cut the clone, snip off leaf tips. then lightly shave the "bark" off the bottom 1/4". cut at 45 degree angle while standing on my head, one foot bare the other covered with small plastic animals attached to my heel with doulbe sided tape. also make sure you have one ear covered in peanut butter. quickly dip the prepped cutting in root hormone of your choice, i use rootech gel. put in cube. mine look great the first day or two. then they fall over and look "wilty" then within the next day or two they pop back up. lower leaves tend to fade as cutting uses stored energies to produce roots. i keep humidity at 80+ the first 3 days remove dome after 3 days and mist 1-2 times daily. the peanut butter has to be creamy. if you use chunky then you get nuts in your ears. ;-) ;-)


Active Member
When it gets too warm they droop, mine did and I put a small cfl above them instead of an ecolight 250w and they are fine now under 28w cfl