

New Member
I am a first time grower. I recently grew one plant which is doing well and getting close to harvest. What I would like to know is can I make other plants from that one using root hormone. If so is Clonex a good product? (just purchased).


Well-Known Member
If it's close to harvest your best bet is to reveg it.

If it was only a few weeks into flower you could take cuts but if it's as late into it as you say you may have a hard time getting them to root and stay healthy.

Clonex does work, so does aloe and a few other options.


Well-Known Member
I am a first time grower. I recently grew one plant which is doing well and getting close to harvest. What I would like to know is can I make other plants from that one using root hormone. If so is Clonex a good product? (just purchased).
Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) is the most common ingredient in cloning products which is what Clonex is. Some use Naphthalene Acetic acid (NAA) as well.

The Clonex you bought will work just fine.

Good luck with your cloning.


Well-Known Member
You can cut clones from a flowering plant. They take a bit longer to root and then they reveg. They make hundreds of branches and are a pain in the ass. I’ve done it. Won’t do it again.


Well-Known Member
Do not reveg anything. The resulting plants are shit with skinny stems by the thousands. Even vicious thinning barely helps. Bud weight bends them over when it shouldn’t