Cloning and Nutrients


Active Member
Should I add Nutrients to my clones. THey are a about a week old and showing sighs of nurient disorder (yellowing leaves, red stems).
Need help!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
wait its been a week since you cut them??? are they rooted? its typical for a clone to have yellow leaves when it is etting ready to root.. when you see something going on above ground like that usually means something is working below. Now if they have already rooted and are turnign yellow I woudl give them a quater strength nutes and keep bumping the N up slowly

Should I add Nutrients to my clones. THey are a about a week old and showing sighs of nurient disorder (yellowing leaves, red stems).
Need help!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Should I add Nutrients to my clones. THey are a about a week old and showing sighs of nurient disorder (yellowing leaves, red stems).
Need help!!!!!!!!
what caligurl said, but u should prolly abstain from any nutes at all. your clone is in the early stages of veg, so the soil has enough nutes to support it with all the nutes it needs for now. and yes, definitly keep up the N as you would with any regular veg. plant.