Cloning... Easiest way?


Active Member
So I'm still in the designing stage of my whole set-up. I'm lovin the aeroponic/ hydro idea.

The questions that comes to mind in the midst of all this is if I choose to use the Hydroton method with the Clay pebels only... how easy is this to clone with? is it just clipping the branch, using some rooting compound and stickin her in the middle of the clay pebbels about an inch or so down? or won't this work?

Also how easy is it to actually grow seeds from this method?

I thought about using rockwool placed in the clay pebbels (like Mr. Green on you tube ;-)) as I have seen this method used with great success many times but I hear it falls apart and clogs things up.. I don't really want this to happen. Just another thing to go wrong. Although, rockwool holds water better for longer. Is this better for seedlings/ clones then spraying for a min. and off for 5 mins. (as done in Aero) all day long?

I know hydroton and the 1min. on & 5min. off method should suffice and work great w/ rooted healty plants.. at least I think.. lol from reading and watching.. would it? (needs right amount of nutes and water to work)

You input is very appreciated...