Cloning feminized plants!!!

just curious on the results and outcomes any of you have had when taking cuttings from a mother plant that derived from a feminized seed...I have heard about them going hermaphodite which is understandable but any female has the possibility of turning herm under dramatic stress...Thanks


I dont know, but I would like too because my mothers are fem seeds. I wont be cloning until april-may though, I guess we will find out. I will never order fem seeds again for this reason. period.


Well-Known Member
ive taken clones from fem'd plants...and so have quite a few others on here. i see no difference in taking a clone from a fem or a regular.


Active Member
I've cloned from feminized seeds dozens of times and never had an issue with it. As a matter of fact it's what I'm working with right now. So long as the plant is good, strong and well taken care of; and the clones are also well taken care of, you shouldn't have any problems. The best part about fem seeds is you know exactly what your getting, girly babes!
I just took some clones from double bubble berry moms from sag. seeds. 8 days in and the hairs at the nodes turned orange. very weird. It's my first experience with Fem. plants because I tend not to like the whole idea. I like to work with the original genetics. Anyhow, I'm not sure what this means yet, anyone else have that happen?


Active Member
I've been running lots of clones off of feminized seeds, been doing it for about 8 months. As I'm switching strains soon I'm going to get away from this, but I only had 1 herm issue the entire time.