Cloning first time help Needed (pics)


Well-Known Member
Whats up People did my first cloning today i have a very nice outdoor plant Strain unknown grew it before and i was very impresed had some seeds left my Mother (not realy a mother she'l be flowering soon) is outdoors stil veging nicely shes about 3 feet tall topped her a couple of times so shes short and bushy now this was my first atempt and i think i may have made a mistake by cutting the clones to small i mean there not tiny but they aren't big Clone's i dont mind ife got some time before my second indoor setup is complete so i wanted the clones ready for that. I think this strain would be killer indoors.

The Smallest Clone is about 2" biggest maybe 3.5"
Ife got them in peat pellets with Striker cloning gell i clipped the clones put them in water scrape the botom part of the stem to expose more raw material dipped into the gell straight into soaked pellets i did squeeze some water out so that its not drowning. Also cliped the leafs
There in a humidity dome that the vents are closed for now just next to the window for a bit of light.

Will i be ok keeping them there for maybe the next 2 weeks thats when the second setup will be running i know i should periodically open vents and i mist 2 times a day morning and night.

Its summer time here so temps are pretty stable inside Day time 25-27c Night time 20-22c

Question is can i get them rooted next to the window or should i DIY a small cfl Light for them and if so how many wats would they need? There is 12 clones im realy hoping for 8 to make it.

Humidity dome is 15" by 10"

Thanks keep it Stoked!

This is the smallest of the bunch
This is the Biggest
Also all of there stems is at the bottom of the pellets not all the way but nice and deep!

Thanks Guys!

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
Looks OK. I suggest a small cfl running 24 just because its steady light. Not looking to be bright . just enough to cover them . don't want them to grow now only make roots why the weak light


Well-Known Member
Thanks Bryanoconner ive got some 20w cfl's laying around can i just use one of them how long should i keep them under 24 ? Before i give them Some darknes?


Well-Known Member
I clone in my veg room, 18/6. Also I put a shirt or towel over the cloning dome so it doesn't get to much light. Just the top not the sides. It should work by the window but it wouldn't hurt to setup a CFL for them. They look good, good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks jay5coat i think il just set up a small cfl for them wouldn't be that difficult and if it makes my chances better im all for it thanks for the input and im def leaning towards giving them 18/6 i know people clone under 24 and veg under 24 if just never done it and 18/6 has always worked for me but i can be wrong first time with clones so new learning curve!

Rudi I&I Automan

Well-Known Member
ID agree with the cfl or small fluro, best to have controle over the younguns and in a window with day/night light hours & temps, cloneing will take longer, but lower down in a veg room is just fine too. why waste the money on lighting you allready use & have to hand.
I must say im surprised at the lack of use of seaweed solution for cloneing, it contains way more then just cloneing gel's and powders contain and root formation is astounding. Ive also found it verry usefull for seedlings/clones that have suffered root burn due to my overenthusiasim & lack of knollage with hydroponic nutrients. lookin good though jay5coat rudi

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
ok .24/ vs18 its up to you . there is a major unsettled debate on this . I have tried both and the results were the same in the cloning rooms