cloning for the outdoor season........


Active Member
Well I have 4 plants( 2 trainwreck and 2 AMS) that i will be using for mothers that are 10inches tall right now and gonna plant 6 more plants to be mothers for the the season....I was wondering from everybodys experience will i be able to take a decent amount of clones.....if so how many do you guys think will I be able to make.


a fellow grower


Well-Known Member
Id go for 4 clones? off the mama, soon.
It takes some clones a month to get there legs, an another month to get em large.
Witch is great cause if you put clones out early they tend to start flowering unless the days are long (after mid may-ish).

Keep the mama around for more clones if there is losses.
Take 4 more clones in a week or so incase they are needed.
I would have been out of the game early last year if I hadent done this...
Plus i flowerd the mama indoors an had some early smoke..