Cloning help please. I hate males!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey ya'll, I hate damn males so much. I'm doing a soil grow for personal. I started 10 seeds and had AWESOME growth. Grew like a weed! Ha.

Anyways, I'm now 12 days in flower, and just got done ripping out 8 DAMN MALES!!! So I am left with 2. Of course they are my smallest! I'm starting up a dwc grow on my next, I find soil to be a pain in the ass and a mess.

So, I'm thinking I'd like to try cloning. Although I'm not to positive what it entails. Can someone give me a quick rundown. Also is it more hassle than it's worth? Should I just buy feminized seeds? Any help is appriciated. I know I'll need some addition equipement, but I'm tired of trying the cheap way, time to do it the right way ya know.

Thank everyone
-That Dude


Well-Known Member
Pick out a nice healthy branch. Allow it about 4-5 inches of stem an cut at a 45 degree angle. Quickly dip the cut end into some root hormone and then plant it into a cube of rock wool.


Active Member
Hey there,

Seems like you've had fun with your little 10 seed experiement. I'm in my early stages of growing but can offer this.

Buying feminized seeds is a little pricey and most people grow for the love, So by saying that if you have two female plants already flowering, create few clones. From those clones you take have you considered a mother plant?

With a mother plant you could safely experiment with clones and get better instead of spending your hard earned money on seeds again. Unless you wanted to change the strain i suggest finding out if you like the smoke- if you are impressed with what you have then make a mother plant and enjoy yourself ;)

And hey a quick google search came up with none other than a Rollitup link ;) So this might be worth a read if your not up to it all on having a mother plant! <3

Hope this helped
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm sorta weighing my options. Root hormone- something like "Take Root"? I've used that for outdoor plants I did from cuttings. Is it that easy? I thought I remembered reading something about a clone dome. Is that not necessary?

Also, I do plan on switching the strain. Nirvana has some blueberry stain looks preety narly. So, I'll be getting some of those feminized seeds for my first dwc grow. That should make my first grow a lot less disappointing. Fuck males!

Yes, I do have a lot of fun growing. I work from home so I have plenty of time to experiment and keep an eye on my girls. So, is having a mother or taking clones the petter way to go? Your right, I don't want to always have to buy seeds every grow.

Thanks for the quick post. Can someone give me a little more detail on mothering a plant? Not sure about that either. One more question, im wondering how many plants I can put in one large dwc container. Is there a rule of thumb (i.e. X # of plants for every X # of gallons) Something like that? The container is 4ft long by 2 ft wide by 3 ft. tall. How many plants could i fit in that? I plan on doing a scrog to eavenly distribute the light so I'm thinking I might get away with a little crowding. Please set me sraight if I'm wrong.

Thanks for all the help ya'll
-That Dude


Well-Known Member
Using feminized seeds is very convenient, but a good mother plant for clones is the way to go for both economic, and productivity reasons. Of course, it takes a little time to develop a good mom. All you have to do to maintain it is keep the photo period in veg mode, i.e. 16-24 hours of light per day.

I took the easy route and got the feminized seeds. I will definitely be looking into developing a mother during my next grow.


Well-Known Member
I did some researching and that does seem the way to go! Here's the thing tough. I dont hav a seperate veg room so when I change the bulb from mh to hps and flower, what would I do with the mother to keep her vegging? I live in a suburb. The kind where your neighbors think their your friends, and are very nosy. So putting it outside for 6 more hours of light wouldn't be an option. If I choose to do a mother, does anyone know a solution that can help me?


Well-Known Member
If you flower a mother then revert to veg and the take your clones. The clones will be weaker and much less potent. Must keep them mother in veg to get good clones. check the mother plant link in this thread, I found it very helpful.

Thanks ya'll
-Tha Dude


Well-Known Member
I did some researching and that does seem the way to go! Here's the thing tough. I dont hav a seperate veg room so when I change the bulb from mh to hps and flower, what would I do with the mother to keep her vegging? I live in a suburb. The kind where your neighbors think their your friends, and are very nosy. So putting it outside for 6 more hours of light wouldn't be an option. If I choose to do a mother, does anyone know a solution that can help me?
You probably need to set up a small grow space for veg. You can get by with inexpensive CFL lights. You don't need a high quality HID MH/HPS light for veg.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I suppose if I don't plant on flowering the mother plant It shouldn't matter the light as long as it's sufficient to keep her growing right? I actually have a cfl setup i wired a couple yrs back. Time to bring it back I suppose. Doesn't seem like I have much choice. It's either have two grow rooms or buy feminized seeds. So I'll just take over another closet.


Well-Known Member
I did some researching and that does seem the way to go! Here's the thing tough. I dont hav a seperate veg room so when I change the bulb from mh to hps and flower, what would I do with the mother to keep her vegging? I live in a suburb. The kind where your neighbors think their your friends, and are very nosy. So putting it outside for 6 more hours of light wouldn't be an option. If I choose to do a mother, does anyone know a solution that can help me?

keep the mother in the flowering room. flower at night. put the plant out in a sunny room during the day


Well-Known Member
Thanks. How sunny though is required not to cause a detriment; i.e. hormonal imbalnces or even accidental flowering? My flower room uses a 1000w hps. Will that cause the plant to flower simply from the bulb being so high in the red spectrum? I got a really good bulb at the hydro store, I figured it mattered most in the grow.

Thanks everyone for all your quick post!
-That Dude


Well-Known Member
Also, my mh and hps bulbs are both around 150,000 lumens each. Would the lumens in a sunny room (odviously nowhere near 150,000) be to shocking a difference or anything? I'm all about the HEALTH of my plants. I'll pull the plants out so I can snap some photos and show you the two SMALL females I'm left with. For some reason my cameras wont photograph my grow room with the light on. Thanks again everyone.

-That Dude



Well-Known Member
I'm only shooting from the hip on this one, but I don't think the softer light will hurt. Its still in light. I *think* the big issue is disrupting the dark period. (I also recommend a few CFLs on a UPS battery back up for flowering rooms that experience power outages)

let all the pros beat me up on that if i'm wrong

Thanks. How sunny though is required not to cause a detriment; i.e. hormonal imbalnces or even accidental flowering? My flower room uses a 1000w hps. Will that cause the plant to flower simply from the bulb being so high in the red spectrum? I got a really good bulb at the hydro store, I figured it mattered most in the grow.

Thanks everyone for all your quick post!
-That Dude


Well-Known Member
Sounds good. Believe it or not I find a interesting solution. My mother is going to grow my mother. HA. I told her I break her off some of the harvest if she would just keep a mom in veg for me. So that worked great! But thanks for all the great help everyone! Please keep this thread going, I'm sure there's more info on clones we could put here for people researching. I'll keep updating the photos of my little girls through flower, they just started 12/12 about 10 days ago but are doing great.

Thanks again everyone!


Well-Known Member
Definitely clone the two survivors. It's easy as pie.

Don't be discouraged by the males, it's all a part of the process.

Good Luck and good growing.


Well-Known Member
Well, the 2 females are already in flower. That's how I determined sex. Plus I'm looking to have a widow mother so it's going to have to wait for the dwc setup. The males bummed me but your right! Just gotta stop growing from seed and get rid of the guessing games. Thanks bud.
