cloning help

I have about 2 ceramic pots with 8-9 plants in each and I want to put them into an ebb and flow system I have. I have gotten rid of the males and want to clone them, but since they are close together there is not much side branching, just fan leaves, they are 8"-12" tall. Should I cut all of them and root them, then put them into the ebb and flow, or just cut a couple to get mothers and finish budding the rest? Can you clone just fan leaves? Any idea would be great.



Well-Known Member
No u cant clone fan leaves, ive heard of some1 getn one 2 root, but there is no use as it wont grow.
You dont need a great deal of side branching to cut a clone, just cut a few small ones where u can and u should be alright..


Well-Known Member
what i would do is clone all of them but leave enough of the original plants to keep growing, if the clones dont work out at least u can try again with the plants, and by the time u clone again the plants would have had alot more side branching due to the cuts
thx all, I will probably clone the smaller ones and leave the big ones to flower, that should give them more room. how much leaf should i leave on the clones and how much light to give them? Do I put them back into veg stage or just flower?

Thx again


Well-Known Member
Your clones will take after the parent plant, so if u clone the small plants, then u will have, well, small plants.. The idea is to clone ur best.
Put the clones into veg, and if u want you can throw the others back into the veg room.. If u plan to keep cloning them, otherwise continue to flower them..