Active Member
I have a little problem- I have a mother that is about 2 months old and she is doing very well, I don't think that this is her doing, but probably me. I keep trying to take clones from her, they root in the rockwool, then they yellow, brown, and voila,-- dead. I need to know what i am doing wrong. please help! My process has been this- I have been taking cuttings off the bottom of mom. some branches i have cut into multiple pieces- (followed the guide in the grow faq) they immediately get dipped in water, then powdered rooting hormone and right into rockwool. They stay in a humidity dome under 24 hour flouro. I mist them multiple times a day. The rockwool was ph adjusted then soaked in a starter solution of hydro nutrients. the temp in that room is pretty high- mom seems to love the heat, and the clones stay pretty moist, but I have no idea why they are dying. the cuttings are usually about 3-4 inches tall and i remove the lower branches. as for the branches that get cut multiple times they end up with one full leaf, as the growfaq instructed. they all root and then promptly die after about 6-7 days. during this time there is no new growth on the cutting, but it roots very well. I don't get it- anyone have suggestions?