Cloning Method - Vid Inside


Well-Known Member
Thats actually pretty wild, no matter what your good. If it does not root it will most likely generate lot of growth like pinching.
Would a bunch of branches grow where you scrape the stem? like a bunch of tops? or just 1 on each side? (like opposing and alternating branches)


Active Member
wow that was preety interesting..anyone every try that?? what were the that faster root production..than rooting the actuall cut stem??


Active Member
im going to try that this season anyone speak spanish how long do you leave it on there for a couple of weeks?

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
this has gat to be the most interisting way to clone ever
and it looks flawless
WOW- making roots on a clone before you even cut it from the mother
can anyone translate to english


Well-Known Member
vid says pick branch, trim leaves, scrape stem, appl clonex, keep area mosit and dark 10 days, apply rockwool, apply foil, keep plnt well watered and high humidity. 2 weeks later you have roots. avoids stress to clone and grows b4 being cut. You were right its called air layering!

choppy translation but the vid goes pretty fast and my spanish isnt as good as it used to be, shame cuz its my first language!


Well-Known Member
Yeah ten days is ten days. I can get roots in seven and have growth resuming by ten anyways. Air layering is great for things that are actually hard to root.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
yeah it doest look like a good idea for large grow ops
but for 1 or 2 cuttings great
look like 100% success rate


Well-Known Member
vid says pick branch, trim leaves, scrape stem, appl clonex, keep area mosit and dark 10 days, apply rockwool, apply foil, keep plnt well watered and high humidity. 2 weeks later you have roots. avoids stress to clone and grows b4 being cut. You were right its called air layering!

choppy translation but the vid goes pretty fast and my spanish isnt as good as it used to be, shame cuz its my first language!
two weeks to root! yikes! with my aeroponic or fogponic bucket i made i can get roots in 7 days and flower at 14