cloning question


Active Member
If you clone a mother, and then clone the clones, you still have a living piece of tissue that has been growing according to the same genetics as the mother, so technically it will have the same smoke any other clone of it had. As long as they are all grown the same way. THC is produced on a higher or lower scale in every plant due to things like UV light and moisture in the air around the leaves. Intensity of light and quality of air temperature help improve bud formation physically and chemically more than anything else.


Active Member
i was just under the impression that every time you cloned that it would lose some potency or become weaker. If i can just keep cloning off of clones that is awesome. Thats what i wanted to hear.


Active Member
You can only clones off of clones so many times because every clone retains the same age as the plant you cloned it from, so eventually your clones are going to become weaker and weaker, the fist couple of times you wont lose anything, you might even get stronger plants.


Active Member
My friends use the system of seasons, start three mothers, get clones once maybe twice, then fruit out the mothers while new ones are coming up for a new "season" of growing something new/different.

toast master

Well-Known Member
well not to add more than my 2 cents... genetically speaking clones are an exact rep of the mother.. you can clone endlessly in theory, you only need to clone the mother once, toss her , grow that clone into a mother by veging , clone for her ,and repeat... you lose nothing in the process .. if cloned plants failed , its usually enviromental... good luck


Active Member
No no, I just meant like a period of time in the year. I.e. even though its indoor, in spring start a cycle, again in summer, and so on.