Cloning question


Active Member
I have a few plants at the moment, they're about a month old, and I'm going to give them another month or two before I flower them. I intend to kill the males and then clone the females.

Will putting the plants back into a 19 light/5 dark cycle move these clones back from the flowering stage into the vegetative stage? Also, how long should this process take?

The plants are indoor grown indicia plants. How many clones would you normally take from each plant?



Well-Known Member
Normally takes 2-4 weeks for a plant to fully revert back to veg, 24hr light for the first two weeks works best for getting them back into veg.

As to how many clones to take per plant, thats up to you, it depends on how many potential clones your plant has or how many branches suitable for cloning it has and how many clones you need.


Well-Known Member
make sure u let the branches get to about 6-8 in before cloning.

and put some out side aussie,it just turned spring or summer for u while its fall in newengland(better than old england lol)

throw up some pics and we can guide u through


Active Member
Thanks for the help everyone :)

Plants aren't nearly ready for cloning, I'll post back with some pictures when they get closer.

Quick question: is there any way to tell the gender of a plant before flowering?


Well-Known Member
I have a few plants at the moment, they're about a month old, and I'm going to give them another month or two before I flower them. I intend to kill the males and then clone the females.

Will putting the plants back into a 19 light/5 dark cycle move these clones back from the flowering stage into the vegetative stage? Also, how long should this process take?

The plants are indoor grown indicia plants. How many clones would you normally take from each plant?

for vegg 24/0 or 18/6
flowering 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help everyone :)

Plants aren't nearly ready for cloning, I'll post back with some pictures when they get closer.

Quick question: is there any way to tell the gender of a plant before flowering?
around 2months of age the plants will show there sex regardless of light schedule