Cloning questions

Hi I'm new to marijuana growing and I recently to some cuttings from some of my fiends plants. I know that I took the right part of the plant but what I don't know is if it is all that important to add nitrogen to plant before I take the cutting. Also righ now I'm using no fertilizer just willow water and when I first started th clones I used a rooting hormone.

Thanks Aaron


New Member
Hi I'm new to marijuana growing and I recently to some cuttings from some of my fiends plants. I know that I took the right part of the plant but what I don't know is if it is all that important to add nitrogen to plant before I take the cutting. Also righ now I'm using no fertilizer just willow water and when I first started th clones I used a rooting hormone.

Thanks Aaron <<<<<<<<<


Active Member
Leach the nitrogen out by foliar spray, you want a LACK of nitrogen for cutting, so they actually root and look for their nutrients in the soil rather than using stored nutes.


Active Member
yes to everything above, but also you may increase your success rate by using a gel rooting hormone, jiffy peat pots or rapid rooter plugs and a humi-dome... and don't place it directly under your light source (24 or 18 hours of light is ideal for the little ones straight into veg) but direct light or sunlight is going to freak the little ones out... non-direct lighting is key here... so if you've got a 1k or ufo or whatever, place them on the periphery of the light... after they root and just start stretching, place them under more direct light to keep them from getting too legy... good luck... and for me, i just use indirect cfl's, water, clonex and rapid rooter plugs for two weeks, at which point 98% have rooted and are ready for transplant...

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
I have used Aero cloners for a couple years now, and funny enough I was sold on them originally because they have "better success than other methods". I think this is FALSE.

I hit almost 100% success rate, and also found this easy as a beginner, if I did the following:

1) Take cutting with a sharp tool @ 45 degree angle
2) Trim the clone down, if necessary. You don't want to have more than a few inches of stem, nor do you want to have more than 3 or 4 nodes with leaves, otherwise the plant will have TOO MUCH vegetation to try and support, lowering success rates.
3) Next, trim the tips off the bottom fan leaves of your clone, as this will help induce eating those lower fans for nutrients and root growth
4) If you have humic acid, soak it in this solution for a few mintues
5) Next, dip the clone into a rooting gel or powder
6) Before planting, I have a beneficial bacteria powder that I sprinkle around where the SOON TO BE root zone will be. This bacteria will create the ideal enviornment for root zones the sec they begin development, and will help them thrive.
6) Next, place gently into soil/peat moss cup, and spray down when finished until soil and peat cup are both moist all around, but not soaked. Keep in saucer trays and maintain this level of moisture. Pending on strain, roots should show within a week or two.

Hope this helps, cheers!