cloning stems are soft


hi again,

so ive taken 28 clones with the hope of doing a perpetual SOG. i did this 7 days ago and i thought id have a peek at any progress that might of happened.

well there are no roots, but i didnt expect any till 10-14 days any way, but the problem is that the stems seem to be really soft. i put them in jiffy pucksand above the puck they seem fine, but what ever is below is really soft. it doesnt look mouldy but i havent seen this before.

the leaves are fine, lost no color ordrooped at all. its just belowthe surface that seems shitty.

any help or tips is appreciated.


kbo ca

Active Member
how did you check them? Did you pull them out of the pucks? what was the rooting hormone you used? do you have them on a heat mat? are you giving them light? how often do you spray them? there are a few things that clones need to root. thats why i ask so many questions


hey no probs.

i used clonex for the hormone. then put them snuggly into the pucks then burried the pucks in soil for moisture really. then covered them all with clear perspex. and a heat mat underneath. there is always moisture on the top of the perxpex too. at first i was misting 3x a day or so, then 2x now only once a day.

i have used this method before in all the same conditions and had a 100% success rate with about 20 cuttings. so i know what im doing (without sounding big headed) but i just havent seenn the stems go like this before.

i hope theydont bugger up and mess up my "perpetual-ness" before it even begins ha.



Active Member
if they arent dark and mushy and the clone still looks healthy, i would let them go for a while. it could be they are getting ready to push roots.


Well-Known Member
sure thing man. Ive got a journal posted too. Link in my signature. Its updated randomly. Need to go take some fresh pics tonight methinks. My day is at night, so i gots to wait.