Cloning using water only?


Active Member
Hello community! I am thinking about taking some cuttings from my first run of plants that I started from seed. My question is... Can you transfer your cuttings into water and leave them there, will they root normally? I've done this before with other vegetables from the herb garden, (Basil, strawberries, etc.) But I'm not sure how well it will work with cannabis... I know USUALLY growers transfer their clones to rockwool cubes, soil, or coco plugs. I would take the cutting as usual, hormone as usual, but just transfer into a glass of water to start the rooting process. The water also I'm not sure if I should use a soil range pH or a hydro range?


Well-Known Member
it will work but it's hit or miss, sometimes you get most to root and sometimes you get none,'s far better to learn to clone using another method. ...if you need help just ask.



Well-Known Member
They will root in plain chlorinated tap water. Use a darkened container so no light strikes the roots - the key step provided by wool cubes or peat plugs. Make sure you use a top and no light can go through it either. I use McD's plastic cups & tops spray painted flat black primer. Change water at least every other day.


Well-Known Member
My boy can clone his sunflower plants and he's 3 lol.
By simply using a root hormone gel like *clonex* will improve your chances greatly.
I do this and have a 99% success rate using root riot cubes as a medium.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
A tray of 26 Root Shooters almost guarantees 26 clones if you have the right strain, cut at the right time and don't dampen off the cuttings before they can root.


Well-Known Member
generally speaking that's true but if you learn to clone with a more advanced method your success rates go way up, my bad runs are over 80% rooted.

For soil I use Root Shooters. No powder, no gel. Last 4 clonings - 100% success. For hydro - rockwool pH adjusted and then soaked in water with a few drops of 3-0-0 AN. No powder, no gel. 100%. I use a reptile heating mat and a cheap dome from the hydro store. Keep the wool cubes moist/damp but not wet, same with the Root Shooters (I mist those to keep moist).

But the water glass method? I lose very few - it's just slower and therefore less convenient.


Well-Known Member
I borrowed a friends EZ Clone Aeroponic Cloner for my last grow.
Its rather expensive but I only had one cutting that didnt root, I even flowered about 20 small clones in it.
Now hes got his own grow going and I'm stuck cloning into coco again ugh.

past times

Well-Known Member
yeah, i just made a bubble cloner and love it. this picture is taken at day 8...wedensday. Since then 2 more have sprouted roots. It is just water and a couple airstones. I used like 1/15th strength bllom nutes, and a shot glass full of H2O2. light tight water and the h202 keeps slimes from growing.



Well-Known Member

i use 99% water, 1 drop of hormex, 1 drop of water soulble bloom fertilizer, 100% success, big air pump, 3 stone, 3 elbows to connect air tubing through lids to stones, 2" hole saw and x12 2" netpots an finally fancy neoprene disks. 14 days at the longest.


Well-Known Member
i was using 100% un pHed water for a long time though, and i dont pH the above solution just use distilled water from the store.


Well-Known Member
I once left a cut in a glass of water out of curiosity... It rooted and lived in the cup, showing growth... i think I threw it away after a couple weeks. I was just fucking around.
I did not use any hormone....
one thing is for sure... you can root in your plugs without using hormone... i just tried it for the first time about a month ago. All of the flowering plants in my grow journals right now were rooted by scraping a little off of the stem... and plugging it into a moist oasis cube. It rooted just as fast as I get with Dip N Grow.


Active Member
My boy can clone his sunflower plants and he's 3 lol.
By simply using a root hormone gel like *clonex* will improve your chances greatly.
I do this and have a 99% success rate using root riot cubes as a medium.
Good luck.

PLz plz help im a newb and i took 6 cuts about a month ago i cut with clean razon blade put right into water took a cut underwater at a 45 degree angel dipped in clone x than str8 into root roit cubes than into the humitidy dome still nothing ??? plz and why thanks aslo like 2 weeks later i did the same off 2 other plants thinking the first mother was just a bad strain to clone a week goes by for the other set of 6 and nothing still there all standing up lookin healthy all green im just so confuced on what i did wrong and what and again plz help thanks


Well-Known Member
PLz plz help im a newb and i took 6 cuts about a month ago i cut with clean razon blade put right into water took a cut underwater at a 45 degree angel dipped in clone x than str8 into root roit cubes than into the humitidy dome still nothing ??? plz and why thanks aslo like 2 weeks later i did the same off 2 other plants thinking the first mother was just a bad strain to clone a week goes by for the other set of 6 and nothing still there all standing up lookin healthy all green im just so confuced on what i did wrong and what and again plz help thanks
relax grasshopper, you didn't do anything wrong, ...but cloning isn't automatic so it sometimes takes a few tries to get it down, ...frankly, if you have 6 that are still standing and looking healthy after a week then you just need to leave them alone and be patient, 2 weeks is common for many methods so just relax and wait another week.



Well-Known Member
Hello community! I am thinking about taking some cuttings from my first run of plants that I started from seed. My question is... Can you transfer your cuttings into water and leave them there, will they root normally? I've done this before with other vegetables from the herb garden, (Basil, strawberries, etc.) But I'm not sure how well it will work with cannabis... I know USUALLY growers transfer their clones to rockwool cubes, soil, or coco plugs. I would take the cutting as usual, hormone as usual, but just transfer into a glass of water to start the rooting process. The water also I'm not sure if I should use a soil range pH or a hydro range?
So, you are talking about taking a cutting and just leaving it in a glass of water? it will work, but MJ clones way better if you aerate the water...just a small bubble stone makes all the difference in the world...not to mention still water is more likely to go slimey and inhibit root growth.

Bubbles are the ticket...if not then you have to change the water like every day, or at most every other day...if you add some bubbles you need not change the water til you are done using it.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and you will know they are rooted when the leaves start to look like they are just want to see the bottom most leaves start to look long as the plants aren't wilted over then everything is as it should be.