

Well-Known Member
Are you kidding? They won't grow, their colors will look like a non-living plant, they shrivel, they keel over . . . . ..


Well-Known Member
Flopped over after 10 days..limp, moldy,no roots,withered,etc Why do you ask and pics?


Well-Known Member
Are they in soil? Water? When did you start the cloning process? What kind of lights are you using? If it's 2 days in and you think they're dead, they're not.


Well-Known Member
It's a good question, actually. I have nursed a single clone for 2 weeks as I waited for roots to show up. When I went to pick up
the cup the clone was in my hand slipped and I brushed the back of my hand against my clone. Sucker did a TIMBER -- falling
over flat. If I would have known how to check clones better I would not have wasted all that time hoping for a doomed clone.
Now, if a clone has not rooted by day 7 I very gently grasp the clone stem and slowly exert upward pressure. As soon as O
feel any resistance I stop, figuring there are roots growing through the pellet and just haven't grown out yet. But sometimes
the whole clone will lift right out of the pellet with no resistance. NOTE: clones that don't even start to root for a week are not necessarily doomed.
I've had maybe 50/50 luck by re-doing the non-rooted clone. I make another bevel cut maybe 1/2 to 3/4 inch above the first cut.
Dip in Rootex and place in a new pellet.

Good luck, BigSteve.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
if you're not to familiar with cloning, i would suggest try cloning into a medium that you're currently growing in then place into ziplock right after. leave ziplock closed for the first day, then the next day open for 30 mins and each day after that 1-2 hrs per day until clone has rooted.
its best that you use a clear cup so you can see when you clone starts to root. once it roots leave ziplock open and monitor to make sure clone doesn't wilt and if it does just close ziplock back up and continue acclimate until clone is fully rooted. should take you about 4-7 days or a little longer depending on strain and plant health of the donor plant.
gl and much success in your cloning stage of growing.