closet crowing


Active Member
I'm going to start growing some in my closet but I dont know do I have all what I need. I have the folloing things.

Top 40 seeds

400w high sodium lamp and timer for it

the box where I grow the plants

2 fans

the best soil you can find and those little rocks.

and I have the the closet painted white, there will be 100% dark, all the holes you need for wires and plastic to keep the water out from the floor.


Well-Known Member
buy some t5's and start a SOG style perpetual harvest. I think its the only way to go. I dont know how big your closet is but mine is 50"x26" and im making a veg room and a seedling/clone room. Im dividing the closet so there is a bottom level and a top. you could Flower on top with the hps and veg below with the t5's. But seriously you could buy a 4 or 6 bulb set up and veg your plants under it for compact vegitative growth then move them under the HPS. And in my opinion if you want more harvests out of the year you have to have 2 rooms. Ive heard hps's arent that great during veg but you can still use one. If you want alot of weed and harvest 4-8 24"-30" pants every 2 weeks SOG is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
you got fine tool's and yu maybe means top 44 seed's ;)
but only some nutriens and Co2 yu need !!


Well-Known Member
I would do a test run without any plants to check and make sure you have adequate ventilation. Small spaces have a tendency to heat up pretty good if you can't get rid of the heat fast enough.


Active Member
ok thanks but about that Co2 isnt that same thing that comes out from your mouth when you speak so can I replace it with just speaking to my plants.:lol: