closet grow in South Korea (UFO/ LED Experiment)


Active Member

I am currently teaching English in S.Korea. due to the lack of resources for indoor gardens i have had to be a bit creative.

Housing: I live in a tiny ass sardine can of an apartment. Luckly i have a nice lil grow closet. It too is tiny as hell, but i'll make due.

soil: organic mix of some kind..i see lots of humus..cant read the label but my girlfriend (korean girl) confirms that its organic. i mix small pebbles into the soil as if it were perilite (mix 1/4 pebbles to soil)

Light: (2) UFO LEDs

1-6-09 to 1-9-14=24/7
1-15-09: 18/6

Water schedule(at this point): 1 on day of planting, mist/ spray and keep moist every day. (later 1/day w/ peroxide)

Air: Oscillating fan (added in 2nd week) small fans in the UFO lights (genius design)

Jan 6 2009 (waxing moon):

planted 5 seeds (barney's farm, phatt fruity)..soaked seeds over night, the night before.

Jan 9 2009 (waxing moon):
first sign of sprouts (all 5 sprout) :clap:

*water again.*

Jan 10 2009 (waxing moon, near full):

I notice the soil is drying out very quickly. I stick my finger in the soil...almost dry (strange) I suspect the fans on the lights drying out the soil.

*nervously water again*

Jan 15 2009 (waning moon):

Disaster strikes!:shock: my dumb ass knocks over a pot while watering.. i lose a seedling.:sad:.... i promptly soak a new seed (..and plant it the next day).

Jan 18 2009 ( waning moon):

new seed sprouts!:clap: but i notice the tips of a plant or two getting yellow..shit!:o
is it dry soil or PH?

my soil is drying out every day even though i water certain its the fans on the lights and maybe too much drainage..

I decide to take a look at the run off from my plants to determine whether or not the soil is acidic..i cant get a ph meter here..dont know where to find one in UFO's took 2 wks to get here so im not fucking w/ shipping times..i'll guage it by color of run off (1930's depression style).

I decide to flush the soil completely
I notice the water to be dark brown..i fear that my soil may be very acidic..i now assume the humus in my potting mix to be pine...fuck! (almost nothing but pine trees in korea..go figure).. decide to flush every day until the brown water is only slightly brown(at the rate my soil is drying i decide that doing this is this point i been spraying the soil..too labor conclusion proves to be correct.)

(decide to start adding peroxide at this point to the beautifully..1 cap / liter)

added an oscillating fan for the plants to help strengthen the stems and prevent mites. also sprayed my plants w/ neem mixture to help w/ that too...luckly no burning..all seems well.. i keep the closet door open during the place looks like a whore house now.

I have changed my watering times to the morning, this allows the water to drain into the drain in the bathroom floor. i go to work and keep the plants in the dark. i spray them down for mite prevention and put the fan on low in there w/ them for circulation. i come back in 3hr from that point

Jan.26 2009 (New moon, happy lunar new year world):

plants r in great shape, i got 2 that i suspect to be female..we will see later when i flower in a couple weeks :weed:

New..more expensive disaster strikes!
One of my ballasts over heats and malfunctions... :o
I'm down to 1 light . shit! I quickly email HID hut to get a replacement...(It's on its way) It will take forever though, dammit!

Water every day..plants r healthy, the dark run off is decreasing thankfully. I water in the mornings now before work, come home after my first class and put the plants back in the closet from the bathroom from draining (cold outside)

Jan 29 2009: (Waxing moon):

acceptable growth even with j/ 1 light.. these UFOs are pretty sweet.. even w/ the one thats all fucked up ...keep the thing dumb ass left it on the floor..we have floor over heated..hence my current 1light status..i keep the other one on a black crate that also holds my fan, things seem to be fine now.


Active Member
Good luck in Korea. Watch out for Kim Jung .

:leaf: lol kim jung is in North Korea..the south koreans arent scared of him and u'd really be surprised how little north korea is even talked about here..there is , however some talk of reunification though..interesting eh? thanks for the blessings. you know it is surprisingly easy to get away w/ growing in korea..they r completely clueless about weed here. if somebody saw ur plant..they wouldnt know what it was and theyd pay no interest in it lol. Also no DEA, and no helicopters..huge relief... However, dont get caught..if u do flee the country.

The UFOs are good for this place, portable, they run cool and even growing in the tiny of places can be done with relative ease..and not spending a bunch of money on electricity is a good thing too. If it were not winter..I'd guerilla grow like crazy outdoors anyways i'll kep this bad boy updated.. i got pics to post also. keep chill'n, peace.:leaf:


Active Member
thats crazy... my friend and I were actually thinkin about doin something like that in korea. Jal setup halah myun uh tuk ha she jahk hal ka yo?:bigjoint: