

Anyone have an opinion on the legality of the clubs around town?

I have a friend who was offered a "budtender" positon at one. I advised against it as I believe that they are at best operating in a gray area and at worst out right illegal. I don't trust the powers to be in this state and I believe it is only a matter of time before they crack down on them.
Three types of clubs. Those operating as go between through patients and assigned careuivers, ie compassion first, elements caregiver collective, those teaching classes and then giving free medicine ie MERC among others and then there are those recievieing donations and in turn giving out free medicine. Now I won't name any of the latter bacause they are the ones being busted at the moment and it seems like these are he models being prosecuted. Some of them are busted and can't reopen or don't others don't give a fuck and open up shop the day after a bust (phx green cross). Now to your specific question, in some of the busts on clubs taking donations, bud tenders are being prosecuted just as the owners they are in fact the ones allegedly selling and distributing medicine for cash which is being prosecuted by the state.
Even though there has been no official ruling on the clubs, it seems like a bad idea to touch any model with a ten foot pole. I think it's bad to frequent clubs as ones records/ privacy probably are not very secure. Clubs probably will not shut down once dispensaries are open unless by force.

A position at a licensed dispensary has no guarantees either. All it takes is one raid to make some businesses go up in smoke. Arizona is missing out on solid revenues and job opportunities, something they desperately need regardless of the industry.
This place clearly falls into the latter category.

No matter what the outcome of the White Mountain case, I think the days of the clubs are numbered. If the Sate gets the decision they want in that case they are going to go all thermonuclear on all of these places and if they don't I assume the dispensaries will begin to open and everyone in the valley at least will fall under the "25 mile" rule and no one will be able to grow after their card expires and supply said clubs.
Obviously all the clubs are not growing their own? They operate under a guise and will only resort to importing product if growers are not available. There are no regulations for clubs. This is a right to work state, unless there is a ruling on the clubs most likely they will continue to operate while dispensaries are open.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Either way IMO its a huge risk to have anything to do with them. I would assume that one would not only risk their freedom but also their ability to have a card at all if one were to get caught up in a raid on one of these places.
Have NOT seen 1 true Collective which would be completely legal under AzMMA though not worded in the written law!

A true Collective is an exclusive member only network of patients/caregivers... In Az patient and caregivers MUST be linked together through the AzDHS and posses a MMJ ID for each patient. With that being said...

Clubs violate AzMMA
Most Collectives (I have Seen) violate AzMMA
Most Cooperatives (I have seen) violate AzMMA

But keep in mind you may be procecuted if caught in the mix but you will not loss your MMJ ID so easily!

AzDHS rules - MMJ can be obtained through any and all means.... (Not in the written law but a rule) Likely will not lose your card for trying to obtain MMJ!
Will lose card if operating or working at one of these said clubs, cooperatives, collectives(if working outside of AzMMA)

So be careful know what you are getting into... At least you will not be in for a surprise at 6am in cuffs. HA
The gilbert police are way out of fucking line they are refusing to follow the law here it is cut and dry. If these raids were really conducted to prosecute then where are the charges? Why aren't they publicized? Why are they also busting clubs out of their jurisdiction? Why are they saying thses are narcotics when the health director has changed his stance due to advisement from outside counsel? No one in charge seems to give a fuck that these thugs are robbing people and trashing their property this is not law enforcement this is tyranny. What the fuck is wrong with this state?
This brief article lends a small explanation to why Gilbert police have this mentality, they are doing a "service" that no other department wants to deal with....
Since there is no official ruling on the clubs, the operators should challenge the validity of these raids, which possibly may put departments in their place or force a ruling on the clubs.
The gray is always a dangerous area especially in a police state.
Legalize AZ, but we all know that will never happen.
Marijuana has been the topic of many discussions in the political world lately. Even recreational marijuana has been in the spotlight in states such as Colorado. Since the use of medical marijuana passed in Arizona a little while ago, there has been some confusion as to who can sell it and what’s legal.

Question: What's the difference between a dispensary for medical marijuana and a caregiver for medical marijuana? Caregivers have shops selling pot all over the Valley, while dispensaries are still trying to open.

Answer: We turned to Yvonne Wingett Sanchez for the answer. Yvonne is a governor's office/state politics reporter for The Arizona Republic. She says that “the only entity that's allowed to sell marijuana under the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act is a licensed dispensary, which have not yet opened. Caregivers are allowed to provide marijuana to their patients and be reimbursed for actual costs. Caregivers may be participating in some of the shops you are seeing on Valley street corners, while other shops may be acting illegally. Law enforcement is responsible for ensuring such shops are in compliance with the state's medical marijuana law.”
Dry them out in hopes of them not opening back up......... Thats the MO

The police departments are getting orders from some where... Ever wonder where?

This is a complete conflict of interest when you have the Police, Judges, AzDHS and Dispensaries working for the State... Everyone of these folks are "entitled" to do business in Arizona.... Dispensary License?? Why would the Police go rally up all the clubs? Will the Police bother dispensaries? Alot of questions to ask... Is AzMMA going to create a conflict of interest between the Police and patients/caregivers? How can the police enforce a law that only benefits the dispensary and the courts and the police department but not the public?
Case Closed!
I read yesterday in the New Times that a dispensary in Glendale is being inspected today and pending that inspection might be able to open up as soon as tomorrow. That will force Sheriff Joe's hand.
If there were no "mexicans" there would be no Sheriff Joe... Ha

Half full , half empty?

Where do folks get their logic?
Just read it on Will Humble's blog.FUCK them. the 25 mile rule goes in to effect tomorrow fuck them i'm in glendale so i guess i am moving. FUCK< FUCK<FUCK, me.

"The vast majority of the Valley is within 25 miles of this new dispensary."

They planned this one well...

Looks like many folks will be arrested and many lawsuits will follow....

Until then folks.... I am tapping out.!