Well-Known Member
This is my first grow. I planted two Barney's Farms LSD and 21 bagseed seeds. The LSD and 5 bagseeds are in Fox Farms Light Warrior and 18 bagseeds are in Miracle Grow seed starter.
I saturated the soils with water before planting the seeds. After planting, I "watered in" the seeds. Both soils like caved in in the center of the Jiffy cups I am using, sometimes completely exposing the seeds! How can I prevent this from happening in the future?
15 of the bag seed have germinated and are doing well. I soaked the bagseed 12 hours prior to planting because they were over a year old. 2 more have germinated but are struggling. On one of these, the leaves emerged first. I found this out when I watered the plants, the soil caving in thing again! I've been giving them 1 tablespoon of aerated water a day. 1 bagseed sprouted the day after I planted. It took 5 days for the LSD to show above ground, but I planted the Fox Farm seeds deeper, about 5/8". Too deep?
Of the 23 I planted, I have 18 showing. Three of those not showing I dug up and found they had germinated but just weren't exposing themselves. I replanted the with the seed husk just below the surface. Of the other 2, one was rotted and the other had not germinated. I am soaking that one now. I also scraped the hull. If it doesn't crack the hull in a day or 2, I'll toss it.
The Barney's Farm LSD are tiny compared to the bagseed. Is this normal?
When I first watered the soils, it was like a giant, dirty bubble of air formed under the surface. When it burst, it left a hole 1-1/2" deep in the middle of the pot. It continued to do this to a lesser extent on subsequent waterings. What can I due to stop this, it leaves the seeds exposed?
I have have them under 4 T5 HO veg lamps, 3" above. Is this the right height?
I saturated the soils with water before planting the seeds. After planting, I "watered in" the seeds. Both soils like caved in in the center of the Jiffy cups I am using, sometimes completely exposing the seeds! How can I prevent this from happening in the future?
15 of the bag seed have germinated and are doing well. I soaked the bagseed 12 hours prior to planting because they were over a year old. 2 more have germinated but are struggling. On one of these, the leaves emerged first. I found this out when I watered the plants, the soil caving in thing again! I've been giving them 1 tablespoon of aerated water a day. 1 bagseed sprouted the day after I planted. It took 5 days for the LSD to show above ground, but I planted the Fox Farm seeds deeper, about 5/8". Too deep?
Of the 23 I planted, I have 18 showing. Three of those not showing I dug up and found they had germinated but just weren't exposing themselves. I replanted the with the seed husk just below the surface. Of the other 2, one was rotted and the other had not germinated. I am soaking that one now. I also scraped the hull. If it doesn't crack the hull in a day or 2, I'll toss it.
The Barney's Farm LSD are tiny compared to the bagseed. Is this normal?
When I first watered the soils, it was like a giant, dirty bubble of air formed under the surface. When it burst, it left a hole 1-1/2" deep in the middle of the pot. It continued to do this to a lesser extent on subsequent waterings. What can I due to stop this, it leaves the seeds exposed?
I have have them under 4 T5 HO veg lamps, 3" above. Is this the right height?