CM clones on coco


hello cm lovers ..just started my first cm grow on coco pots..(mr.nice seeds)
i am using canna nutes a+b,rizo,boost and zim ...
got 38 clones in 190x190 tent under 4x400 hps was in 5 day veg in coco just using rizo 150 mg/50l tank temp. is 15.6C night 26C day
i am in 5 day flower right now,using canna light feeding schedule:
75ml a+b, 150ml rizo,my water ec is 0.5 so when i mix all its 1.8 EC
watering 4 times daily for 4min(its about run off comes) 3.5 liters pots
ph 5,8 things are going so so like u can saw on pic. got some white and brown sposts on botom leaves..maybe cal/mag def.? i have calcium wuxal for spraying..can i use it and when? any sugestion? tnx for all replies..ganja 007.jpgganja 008.jpgganja 003.jpgganja 005.jpgganja 004.jpgganja 009.jpgganja 006.jpgganja 002.jpgganja 001.jpg